

Alfonso looked at the small boy, he was trembling with tears on his eyes.

Alfonso could easily dispatch the kid… he has fought many foes at least ten 10 stronger than this kid…

However… for Alfonso…

This was a battle that he couldn't win.

"I am sorry"

The kid was taken by surprise, he looked up and saw an unimaginable scene.

A drop of water fell to the ground.

"I am so sorry"

The boy saw the tears on Alfonso's eyes with astonishment.

"I can't bring your parents back…"

Alfonso felt on his knees without looking at the kid.

"I can't give you back your childhood…"

"I feel so powerless" Though Alfonso.

The kid kept looking at Alfonso.

"And, the worst part is… I can't even give you a satisfactory answer… I can't die… not yet"

The tears on Alfonso's eyes didn't stop.

"The only thing I can for you…  is apologize…"

"I am sorry" Repeated Alfonso.

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