Aphrodite was taking a cup of wine on the bar, of course, the sight of a mummy drinking was quite the sight, however, since she came a lot the last couple of days.
"Another round?" Said Dionisius.
"Kept them coming" Said Aphrodite.
"It's ten bottles already, kept going and you are going to empty my bar" Said Dionisius.
"Shut up, I am not in the mood" Said Aphrodite.
"You know that, it doesn't matter how much you drink, you won't get drunk, right?"
A voice interrupted Aphrodite's thought, she didn't need to turn around to know who was talking.
"Artemis, now that's weird, I though you weren't interested in alcohol" Said Dionisius.
"I am not" Said Artemis.
Dionisius smiled and server her a cup of wine with that, went on his way to attend the customers
"I am don't what do you want from me, however, you are wasting your time, I am not in the mood" Said Aphrodite.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: