
What's funny?

Chapter 48: What's funny?

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Lyricie and Jiaxyn wake up and they fully prepared to go out secretly. Lyricie wears Black n' White strip Dress top paired with her favorite Faded Ash Maong Short and a pair of 3-inch peach high heels. No make-up and her long dark brown hair tied in a high pony tail.

Jiaxyn wears Flower long sleeve paired with black silk leggins and a pair of Adidas Black Shoes. No make-up and her long black hair tied in a side pony tail.

It's 3:04 in the morning as they sneak to go outside the house quietly. They succeed and drove.

Little did they know, a man just finish having a warm shower as look at the window and saw a car drove. His calm face is now cold and confused. Without thinking, he hurriedly drives his car that he normally didn't use and follow them behind.

In Lyricie's car, Lyricie drive her car and Jiaxyn scroll down her phone, reading the updated popular news from the Underworld.

Hottest Topic: One of The most Famous Strongest Gang: Butterfly Gang is not found yet, where are they?

"Well well. We are here busy in this world!" Jiaxyn laugh. Lyricie know what did she just read. She smiled. Her secret is still unknown so did with her sister. It's a good sign for them.

[O'Riley Mafia Clan versus Bandaepyon Mafia Clan] Bandaepyon Mafia Clan: The Boss 'Kijang' died from the gang war from protecting his partner 'Shukra' and lost 23 members included Kijang. The result, 12 people had survived and won! Their victory is theirs! Congratulations!

"Wow! Do you heard of O'Riley Mafia Clan? This clan is one of the strongest one! So did the Bandaepyon Clan! Mafia's sure is strong— higher than gangsters like us." Jiaxyn said— still looking at her phone.

"I wonder who they are." Lyricie asked. Jiaxyn shook her head. "No one knows. Oh, O'Riley Clan lost. Bandaepyon won but their leader died." Jiaxyn announced.

Lyricie nodded.

[O'Riley Mafia Clan versus Bandaepyon Mafia Clan] Archfiend Mafia Clan: The clan died. No members— any high positions had escape from the hands of their enemy.

"Oh! O'Riley Clan died!" Jiaxyn said when she read the news below from what she read a while ago. Lyricie nodded, again.

Dongtchok Clan, the legendary Devilish Clan had made Archfiend Mafia Clan their strongest enemy and it is planning to attack sooner or later!

"Ohh!!! My favorite Mafia Clan made another enemy and this time, they are equally strong!"Jiaxyn happily said. She is excited for the results of this. She didn't care whether they will die or not. She did not know them, so what's the care?

Lyricie look at her for a sec and look back. She nodded, again.

Butterfly Gang: Their female leader, Invisible Gang is still mysterious as ever and never heard news after their last fight to One Punch Man Gang! Together with her partner in everything, The Shark Princess.

Jiaxyn laugh out loud. "We are still famous in that world even we left— 4 months? 5? 6? 7? Urgh I forgot the month but not the day and year!" Jiaxyn said and she forgot what month did they stop coming, but she remembers the day. It's her lucky number 14.

"4 months." She corrected it. She snaps her fingers. "August. July. June. May. It's May 14, 2035!" She answered proudly. Lyricie nodded, again and again.

"Really? You've remember the day but not the month?" She chuckled and look at her side mirror, she slow down a bit and stare. Jiaxyn look at her sister then she look at her side mirror. She knit her brows.

There's none. Did she see a ghost? Or not? Oh, maybe it's because of Oppa Zier! Aww, brother-in-law it's look like she misses you. Teehee. Brother-in-law sure is so lucky... Ehem! No thanks. Their love story is not so kind of romance I read from novels and Mangas! But, it's weird.

First meeting, he married her and he made her fall for him. What did he do to my sister? Did he hypnotize her on their first meeting? No, she doesn't look like. However, she is a man-hater and always don't like deep relationships. How did Oppa made her made fall for her? She's strong, he's strong. Ahh, Is it because they are alike? A man-hater. A woman-hater. A cold woman. A devil cold man. Oh, I forgot! Their expressions on their first meeting!!

Exactly alike. Another version of him. Another version of her. Why did not think about that?!

Jiayn laugh suddenly and it make Lyricie ask her. "What's funny?" Jiaxyn shook her head.

"What will he says if he found out that we leave so early and didn't tell him?" Jiaxyn curiously asked.

"By the way, he is behind us." Lyricie said acting like she didn't found out not to make it suspicious to the person who is following them behind.

"What! Why I didn't notice that? What are we going to do now?!" She startled and can't think of any good ideas. "I didn't even saw him behind us!"She sighs. "How can I be as good as you sister?" she complain and she laugh weirdly.

"Let's do our usual thing when someone followed us. He is far behind so this is a good opportunity." Lyricie calmly said— still focusing on the road.

"Oh, right! I forgot about that. It's been awhile!" She remembers their prank and their hardest part but it was easy if it's a motorcycle. "This will be hard. We always use bikes— not cars!" She complains, again!

Lyricie smirked. "Let's take the crazy shortcut. Here's the plan." She seriously said. Lyricie said the whole plan. Jiaxyn smiled. "If he still catches us, do you mean that—"

Lyricie smiled. "Yes. Oh, he went the other way. That way leads to where we are going and that way is a shortcut! Great!" She notices that he takes a turn. She parks the car in the convenience store.

"Oh right. Food! "Jiaxyn run inside the store, leaving Lyricie outside.

Lyricie lock the car and seat not close to her car. She brings out her phone— open message.

Good morning! Sorry for not telling you early but don't worry about us. We're visiting someone.

She type and send it to her husband. She doesn't want to betray him of course and she doesn't want him to worry.

Although, she is sure that he will definitely follow them no matter what.

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