
DrDe Syndicate

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we kill those people."

Chapter 22: DrDe Syndicate

Zier is eating dinner with his family. He remember some of his past memories but it was blurred. He tried to remember it but it was no use.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Amella worriedly said. He look at her face and nodded. He felt from this woman a disgust especially if she says honey to him. He do not know the reason but he felt something wrong. Really wrong. While they are eating Flynn open the television and put it in the news patrol.

"My friend says there is a great news to show up Let's watch while we eat." He announce and he start eating while watching the news.

Amella frown and shocked seeing the building. She already knew what will happened next.

"Uhm, can we not watch while eating? It's a bad habit right, mother, father?" She said and want to avoid the news but no ones is listening. Their eyes are all in the television.

' DrDe Syndicate is this building. The solders and police had already surrounds it. We finally found the top notch wanted of selling drugs in this country! This was a good thing and thanks to her, but she was young and a victim of this. She is our favorite idol of all!! Jade and Amethyst, Gem Twins!'

Gem Twins say hi to the reporter and smile.

'Please tell everything to us. How, when and where did it all started.'

'It was started when one of my fans give me a gift. It was one month ago after the last comeback of Gem Twins. I opened the gift and i found out that this is unusual. Why there is a candy that looks like a medicine? I was about to eat it but someone stopped me and it was Amethyst. She said that this should not eat because it was a drug! I was shocked and scared. I do not know what should i do. In the gift box there was a letter, and it was coming from the DrDe Syndicate. That time i had no idea what is DrDe Syndicate, so Amethyst and i searched but nothing had shown up except that it was wanted for selling drugs worldwide. ' Jade said with a worried look.

'Until one of my friends was been a victim too and she was in the mental, and up till then, my cousin found a clue. We help her to stop this and to find the mastermind of this and it was Werllis Family! I am sure of it because they already found the real evidence of it! The police had it! Many people died and went to hospital because of this! If i did not stop Jade that time, maybe she was the next! '

'How did you know that it was a drug an it was not a candy?' the reporter asked Amethyst.

'Because i saw alot. My cousin was a scientist, i spend my boring days with her. I've learned alot, thanks to my cousin i had used my knowledge. It was usable too, thanks cousin.'I said and i smile at the camera.

Zier, i know you do not know me in this form but please, may my heart reach you how i love you.

'Good thing that our favorite idols are safe! Thanks for your time.'They nodded and went of the camera.

"Werllis Family? That's your last name right Amella?" Amella was shaking and scared.

"Y-yes but i do not know that thing. They did not say any-" Amella uttered but she didn't continue of what she was saying because the maid had said something to Mr. Mo.

"The police are here to capture Amella!"

Oh no. Why now?

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