
Rune Magic Class

Stora Trifer walked over to cabinet by her desk, opening it she retrieved five leather-bound books. Calling Nova over, she handed him the books and instructed him to give each student a book.

When Nova handed Jayde her book, she was surprised to find that pages of the book were bound, besides the books she found in the small cave and the artifact Jayde hadn't seen any other bound books. She had assumed that the Lower Realm didn't have the technology.

Engraved on the leather skin covering the books was the title of the book {Runes and Rune Magic by Professor Tycho Trifer}. Interesting, Jayde thought the author of this book is from the same clan as Stora Trifer. The Trifer family must be one of those clans that have specialized in a specific branch of magic.

It was uncommon for clans to specialize in a specific branch of magic, mostly it was smaller clans that chose this route as a form of protection.

Peering at the student quietly paging through their books, Stora Trifer said in a very stern voice: "The books in your hands are precious, you are required to treat them as rare treasures, should any of YOU damage, lose or deface your textbook, you will be expelled."

As Stora Trifer words sunk in, the four boys quickly withdrew their hands from the book in front of them, Syra and Cario watched their textbook fearfully, and though it was a savage creature that was about to pounce on them.

Smiling faintly at the student antics, Stora Trifer asked, "Which one of you can tell me what is rune magic?"

Nova cheerfully raised his hand, "I know."

"What's your name?" Stora Trifer asked.

"Nova Cloudswift."

"Nova, please enlighten us what is rune magic."

"Rune magic is when a mage draws a sigil and then uses their magic to invoke the spell."

"But what is a rune?" asked Stora Trifer.

"Er... it's a sigil," Nova answered hesitantly.

Sighing Stora Trifer said, "Wrong."

Everyone looked confused at Stora Trifer statement. Seeing her students befuddled looks Stora Trifer shook her head slightly.

"Many mages like Nova have little understanding of rune magic, most are taught how to draw a couple of runes and think they are now rune mages. I want you all to forget everything you have been taught about runes up until now, today we are going to start at the basics. Firstly runes are the oldest language on Doha, they are our creators' written language."

Nova eyes widen as he gasped out, "Our creators?"

"Yes, Nova our creators, where did you think runes came from?"

[Isha, is Stora Trifer talking about the Protoss?]

[Yes, I must admit I am surprised that she said that, I thought that this information had long be forgotten.]

[Why did you never tell me that runes where the written language of the Protoss?] Jayde asked her mental tone carried an aggrieved undertone.

[Firstly you never asked, and secondly Jayde, I am your guide, you know that I am forbidden from spoon feeding you information, you have to discover these things on your own.] Isha said a bit irritated at Jayde tone.

Hearing the slight bite in Isha tone, Jayde felt a bit guilty. She and Isha had discussed it before how he was restrained from assisting Jayde. During their discussion, Jayde had seen how frustrated Isha had felt being bound like he was.

From what Jayde had picked up, something had happened a long time ago and Isha had overstepped his bounds, not only was he but all the trainers in the Doha Protoss Artifact had been punished severely, there had also been serious repercussions to Doha due to Isha interference.

When Jayde had tried to prier into the matter, Isha had curtly cut off her questions. The look of guilt and anguish on his face had made Jayde drop the matter entirely, but she did find out that due to that mishap Isha was even more restrained than other guides and should he misbehave again he faced severe repercussions.

While he wouldn't go into the details of what would happen, Jayde had the impression that it wouldn't be something simple like punishment, she figured from the look on his face that he would be destroyed.

[Sorry Isha, I shouldn't have accused you like that, I was just surprised to find out about the Protoss.]

Hearing Jayde sincere apology, the slight bit of irritation that Isha was feeling faded away.

[It's alright, but you should concentrate on your lesson, this teacher of yours seems knowledgeable and she could teach you a lot.]

While Jayde and Isha had been talking, the rest of the class had been discussing the creators.

"Enough, we are not here to discuss the creators, but rune magic." Stora Trifer said sternly, bringing the class back to order.

"Just take it that there is enough evidence that runes pre-date any known language, and many experts agree that this written language is from our creators."

The boys nodded at Stora Trifer stern rebuke. Seeing their subdued look Stora Trifer carried on with her lecture.

"During your course, you will learn numerous different runes, as well as how to create your own runic magic. How many of you have used a rune magic spell?" asked Stora Trifer.

Everyone raised their hands. Seeing that all her students had at least performed some rune magic made Stora Trifer lips curl into a small smile.

"Good, then you know that each spell contains five different runes, do you know the functions of each rune?"

At Stora Trifer question everyone shook their heads, they just knew the pattern of the spell, not what each rune meant or what their function was.

"Not surprising," Stora Trifer said showing a disappointed look, "Majority of mages today just learn the spell itself but have no clue what they actually writing."

Walking over to the large black slate stone embedded into the wall behind her, Stora Trifer picked up a piece of white chalk. On the slate, she drew a large circle and inside the circle, she drew another five circles, with flowing lines interlinking each rune.

Jayde could see from how the circles were placed within the large circle, that where each circle was placed was in a position of one of the runes that she drew when writing out one of her spells.

"Rune magic is broken in Target, Action, Size, Shape, and Trigger." Stora Trifer said pointing to each circle as she named them. As Stora Trifer pointed out each of the circles, a light bulb went off in Jayde's head as she suddenly comprehended what she had been drawing when she wrote out her spells.

Jayde's face wasn't the only one showing comprehension as Stora Trifer pointed out the details on the slate board. Stora Trifer turned back to her students, seeing the growing look of comprehension and excitement on the five student's faces she hid her delighted smile.

This is why she loved teaching, there was nothing better than seeing nimble minds suddenly grasp the concept of what she was teaching. Stora Trifer had been shocked when she had walked into her classroom as seen five students waiting for her. Normally she only attracted one or two students, this was the largest class she had ever taught.

Damonia was the only school in the Lower Realm that still taught Rune Magic, and they had been under a lot of pressure to stop their course. They had already bowed down to the pressure and stopped teaching the inner door students.

The Mages Guild had been trying for hundreds of years to suppress the knowledge of runes, as it was only by understanding and learning about runes that mages could create their own spells. The Mages Guild in both the Lower and Mid Realm did not want mages out of their control, the Trifer clan had been targeted for years due to their knowledge of runes.

Stora Trifer was the only member of her clan that did not work for the Mages Guild, and she did not know how much longer she would still be able to teach. She never left the school grounds as she was worried that she would be snatched up by the guild.

This will most likely be my last batch of students, she thought sadly. She was realistic enough to realize that she wouldn't be able to hide from the Mages Guild forever, and once she was under their control, then only the Mages Guild would have access to the ability to create new spells.

Bringing her runaway thoughts back under control, Stora Trifer returned to her lesson.

"The first rune that you are going learn is {fehu}," Stora Trifer said turning back to the slate board she drew the rune on the board. Jayde recognized the rune as she used it in her fireblast spell. It looked similar to the old English F alphabet used on ancient earth.

Stora Trifer went on to describe the essence of the rune, and what roles the rune played when placed in different positions with the rune spell circle.

As Stora Trifer had just finished her lecture, a bell rang out. Hearing the bell Stora Trifer turned to the students and instructed them, "That's it for today lesson, your homework is to study pages three to eight in your textbooks, also you are to practice drawing {fehu} on pieces on parchment. I will be questioning you tomorrow and checking your homework. Class dismissed."


Quote of the day

"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a$$holes." — Sigmund Freud"


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