
Mission Assessment

[Transfer to Doha successful] the mission control's female disembodied voice echoed in Jayde mind.

Before even opening her eyes, Jayde quickly checked on Yinxin.

[Yinxin are you and wyrmlings okay?] Jayde asked anxiously.

Laughing in delight Yinxin answered.

[We are fine, Jayde]

Smiling brightly Jayde opened her eyes to the familiar white room. Isha was standing there waiting for her.

[Yinxin welcome to Doha] Jayde said.

"Jayde you have finally returned" Isha exclaimed happily. He had become increasingly worried as time went by and Jayde still hadn't returned from her first off-world mission.

Looking closer Isha could see that Jayde had changed greatly over the past three months.

"You have unlocked the second layer of your seal," he said shocked.

"Oh Isha I have so much to tell you" Jayde said grinning happy to see Isha, while Jayde knew that the Protoss artifact had its own agenda and that Isha was hiding things from her, he still was the first person she had met when she came to Doha, and he had been with her from the moment her eyes opened in this strange world.

She had missed him when she was on Telia, and while she was sad that she had to leave Telia, she was happy to see Isha.

"You have got to meet Yinxin, but I am not sure this room is big e..."

"Stand by for mission assessment" the mission control's voice interrupted Jayde happy speech.

"Mission assessment?" Jayde asked confused.

"Of course, after each mission, your performance during the mission is accessed and you are scored according to your actions" Isha answered Jayde quickly.

Just then a large screen appeared in the center of the room. Mission control read out the text as it appeared on the screen.


Mission Location: Tardide, Planet: Telia, Dimension: 137

Mission Parameters: Eliminate Direwolf pack.

Outcome: Successful

Mission Rating: A+

Payment Earned: 5 Aura Stones awarded

Rewards: 25 points plus 25 mission points

Additional Reward for A+ Rating: 50 points plus 25 mission points


Isha gave Jayde a thumbs up when mission control gave her an A+ rating.

Just then the Mission control said "Side Mission Assessment"

When Jayde heard that she was shocked, side mission, what side mission, she thought.

Before Jayde could ask Isha any questions, mission control voice droned on.


Mission Location: Tardide, Planet: Telia, Dimension: 137

Mission Parameters: Save Adult Female Silver Dragon.

Outcome: Successful

Mission Rating: A+

Payment Earned: 25 Aura Stones awarded

Rewards: 150 points plus 150 mission points

Additional Reward for A+ Rating: 250 points plus 150 mission points


Isha turned at looked at Jayde in astonishment, while he knew that some missions had secret bonus missions, never before had one of his contractors ever found out about it, and he was forbidden from telling his contractors about side missions, it was something that they had to discover on their own.

Not only had Jayde discovered the secret of off-world missions, but she had even completed a side mission, accomplishing something no other contractor had done before, and to boot she had saved a silver dragon.

Opening his mouth to congratulate Jayde, Isha was interrupted by mission control.

"Bonus Mission Assessment"


Mission Location: Tardide, Planet: Telia, Dimension: 137

Mission Parameters: Save Silver Wyrmling Dragons.

Outcome: Successful

Mission Rating: A+

Payment Earned: 25 Aura Stones awarded

Rewards: 500 points plus 150 mission points

Additional Reward for A+ Rating: 250 points plus 150 mission points


Isha was struck mute — two side missions — she had completed two side missions!

"Additional Bonus Mission Assessment"


Mission Location: Tardide, Planet: Telia, Dimension: 137

Mission Parameters: Save planet Telia

Outcome: Successful

Mission Rating: A+

Payment Earned: 2 Protoss level class upgrades

Rewards: 1500 points plus 150 mission points

Additional Reward for A+ Rating: 2500 points plus 150 mission points


"Final Mission Assessment"


Mission Location: Tardide, Planet: Telia, Dimension: 137

Mission Parameters: Complete all missions available

Outcome: Successful

Mission Rating: A+

Payment Earned: Any 5 dimension upgrades

Rewards: 2500 points plus 150 mission points

Additional Reward for A+ Rating: 5000 points plus 150 mission points


"Congratulations contractor for successfully completing all your mission," said mission control.

On the screen the text changed



Rewards Earned: 55 Aura Stones, 2 Protoss level class upgrades, 5 dimension upgrades (any)

Points Earned: 12,725

Mission Points Earned: 1,250


At the bottom of the screen was a tab flashing

{Accept Rewards}

Jayde blinked her eyes a couple of times staring dumbly at the figures show on the screen.

[Jayde quickly accept!] Reiko excited yell woke her from her dazed state.

Walking over to the screen Jayde and tapped on the tab flashing to accept her rewards, she felt strangely numb.

Jayde turned to look at Isha hoping for some clarification, because right now she was in a state of shock and confusion, only to find Isha staring at the screen with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Just then a male mechanical voice sounded through the room.

"Felicitations, Doha System for achieving Class 5 rank, prepare for the upgrade."

A strange white mist suddenly filled the room, blinding Jayde. When the white mist faded, the room that Jayde had been standing changed drastically.

The plain white walls had been replaced by beautiful white marble walls covered with bright tapestries, the ceiling was made out some sort of silvery blue stone, beautiful day couches were gracefully arranged around with room, with small tables that had silver bowls filled with various fruits. Large plants in blue and white porcelain pots were tastefully arranged in strategic places giving the room a warm feeling.

On one side of the room, two large golden doors stood open. Walking through the doors Jayde entered a large open courtyard, the ground was covered with a thick blanket of lush green grass, the beautifully manicured garden was bursting with trees, rainbow-colored fragrant shrubs, and flowers bursting in an array of colors, and in the corner lay a shimmery pool, with a marbled mermaid statue holding a crystal urn, that poured a continuous stream of crystal clear water.

Brightly colored birds flew from tree to tree, their sweet songs filled the air. Isha walked woodenly into the lush garden staring around him. For 10,000 years he had been stuck in that empty plain room, with nothing to keep him occupied.

He hadn't seen this garden in all that time. Once he spent all his time tending to this garden, every plant, tree, and shrub he had planted himself. Plopping down on a nearby bench he stared at the scene in front of him.

He had never expected to see his garden ever again. It had taken a hundred thousand years to upgrade a single level. Turning to look at Jayde who was currently running her hands through the water he shook his head and marveled. What had taken nearly two hundred thousand years, she had accomplished in three months.

While they were still not back to their original class 6 rating, he had no doubt that with Jayde as their contractor that day was not too far off.



Sorry about how ugly the mission screens came out, unfortunately, there are no text options available when writing on this platform, I am limited to what I can do. (>_<)

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