
Reiko’s First Barbecue

After removing Kameko's spirit stone, Jayde with Reiko dug a grave to bury Kameko, she then found a large rock and carved a gravestone for Kameko. Reiko had never seen a gravestone but after listening to Jayde explanation, that they would be able to visit Kameko whenever he wanted too, he was really happy that his mother had found him such an understanding contractor.

Once the gravestone was finished and placed over Kameko's grave, it was already night time, Jayde set up camp, then taking some meat out of her storage ring, giving a large piece to Reiko, she barbecued some for herself.

Reiko had never been around humans, so he was really curious about this strange way of eating meat, but whatever Jayde was doing smelled delicious. Once her barbecue was done, Jayde took the skewed meat off the fire, seeing the begging eyes of Reiko, Jayde couldn't help laughing, taking some cooked meat off she gave it to Reiko to taste.

After taking a bite, Reiko fell in love with the human way of eating meat.

[Master, this is delicious].

Reiko looked at his unappetizing uncooked meat, then nosing it over to Jayde to cook it for him.

Taking the meat, and add her spices to it, Jayde put the meat onto the fire.

"Reiko, don't call me master, call me Jayde, you are not my servant, you are my partner".

Nodding his head, Reiko watched his meat anxiously, he was really hungry.

[How much longer?] he asked impatiently.

Laughing Jayde answered, "Give it some time".

Not even a minute later Reiko asked again [Is it ready yet?]

Patting Reiko, Jayde could only grin at how impatient her new partner was.

Lying down next to Jayde, Reiko enjoyed Jayde attention, he really liked the way she petted him, it felt nice. With his head on his paws, he watched over his meat waiting for the delicious meat to be done, although he did think to himself that this way of eating took a very long time.

Finally, his meat was done, rushing to gobble it down, he burnt his tongue. Looking grievously at Jayde he stuck his tongue out.

"It still hot, you need to give it some time to cool down, you little rascal" Jayde gently scolded him

[It's sore]

Getting some water from her storage ring, but without a bowl, Jayde had to pour it into Reiko's mouth.

After the meat cooled down enough, Reiko ate it happily. While Reiko was eating Jayde took out some of the wood stored in her ring, then using one of the old daggers she started to carve out a bowl for Reiko.

The two of them sat together quietly, with his tummy full Reiko dozed off, feeling safe and content.

Watching Reiko sleeping Jayde looked up into the sky.

"Don't worry Kameko, I will watch over your son" she whispered.

Then pulling out her sleeping bag, Jayde lay next to Reiko and fell asleep.


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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

-- Helen Keller

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