
Journey to the Marine HQ

NOTICE:- Well the format of the story is going to be somewhat changed as I will be writing this from the mobile device rather than the PC. (its f*****)

As the ship goes through the waters of the calm belt. A man standing on the side of the deck is looking at the sea thinking about his past life, his family, his friends, and the time he spent while he was under the care of smoker for a month...

FLASHBACK 2 DAYS AFTER JOINING THE MARINES OF LOGUETOWN: after getting settled down at the Marine base Easy now was thinking about the strange situation that he has found himself in. well the situation was definitely unique as getting into one of the most popular anime series is not something you see regularly well unless you read FanFiction even in those situations or stories there was some kind of a entity that has some kind of reason to send the character into one of the fictions to achieve something or at least the person being sent remembers himself/herself dying. Easy doesn't remember himself dying and he definitely remembered going to bed before waking up in the middle of the ocean.

Lying on his bed Easy was thinking how can he return back to his own world as he definitely care for his family that he has left behind they will definitely be worried for him thinking that something must have happened to him and they must have complaint to the police for him being missing.

After thinking for a long time he cannot think of a way to get back to his own world then he thinks back to all the FanFiction that he has ever read about reincarnation that all the characters that has been sent to these fictional Worlds always has been shown the way out of this world IF they achieve the same goal as the main protagonist of the story which in this case will be reaching the last island of the Grand line and finding the one piece.

But now that he has enlisted in the marines he definitely cannot go after one piece as everyone going after one piece has been declared to be a pirate or a Treasure hunter in case of a Treasure Hunter he doesn't know anyone from the show as the show never showed any Treasure hunter that has gone after the one piece maybe the Treasure Hunters were not strong enough to tackle the waters of the Grand line.

So Easy thought maybe if he messes up with the original story then the entity that has send him in this world would become fed up with him and will send him back to his original world or if he totally destroy the world of one piece by capturing the straw hat pirates and getting them executed or sending them to the impel down but he wouldn't do that as he is a good guy that do not disturbs the few good people that has left in this world after thinking he came to a conclusion that he should mess up the world government by capturing Black Beard as he was the one that told the world government about Rojer and Ace's connection while Easy was thinking all of these he got interrupted by the chef of the ship. like all the chefs that has been shown in the show he also is very strict when it comes to food also he is a very good person if you get to know him.

Chef Adam-< it's about time to eat young man also you are not allowed to smoke in my dining room>.(irritatingly)

Easy-< I have told you I won't do it again I am new on the ship>.(apologetically)

Chef Adam-< you shouldn't even be smoking it ruins your taste buds and you won't be able to enjoy your food very much>.(after speaking his mind the chef went away)

Easy sighs to himself and goes towards the dining room where everybody will be getting their food in the respective order as some people still need to steer the ship. Easy takes his food and find an empty place to sit while looking for a place to sit he finds Vice Admiral Garp calling for him. he goes and sits beside vice admiral Garp.

Garp-< how are you finding the life on the ship>.

Easy-<well the water is very stable it's very peaceful out here I thought that there would b a lot of seakings inside the calm belt but so far we haven't encountered any seaking on our way>.

Garp-< hahahahaha because the ship we are travelling in is a Marine Battleship that has a coating of sea stones under the base of the ship which makes the ship disappears in the eyes of seakings and makes it looks like one of their own so we can travel peacefully through the calm belt>.

Easy-< I thought that the sea stones were precious material and that it was very costly how come we have so much available to coat an entire ship let alone all the Battleships>.(asking curiously)

Garp-< well the sea stones are costly for normal people not for the world government as the world government controls all the sources of sea stones and regulates the market so that pirates and revolutionaries do not get their hands on the sea stone which can be used against the world government as the world government has lots of devil fruit users in its forces>.

Easy-< sounds like a good idea for not giving potential weapons to your enemies but provide the weapons to your own forces, at least the government has brains>.

Garp-< Ah! leave all those political issues aside tell me what have you learned while you were with smoker as in what are you going to be focusing on while you are at the Academy as the Academy focuses on fighting, navigation, investigation, assassination etc>.

I am writing this chapter as well as the authors note bye voice typing so you can definitely understand the lack of full stops and commas

it's been a long time that I have written anything. as I stated before that I had some home issues and I was not getting much response for the story so I lacked enthusiasm and I am a very lazy person so I will keep posting whenever I get the time to write as I still have exams in December so expect the chapters do not be in a schedule.

MrEasycreators' thoughts