
Side story: lyna training

Pyros:" Wake up Lyna your trainer are here."

Lyna with a yawn:" Ok i will come in 2 min" outside a man stay near Pyros.

??:" Hello nice to meet you , i am Sora"

Lyna:" Hello nice to meet you" What a giant this men has a height at 2m40, a muscular body, his eyes are yellow and his skin is a pure white.

Sora:" Follow me we will go train away from here."

Lyna follow him without worry, that's a friend of Balmung so she risk anything.

thirty min later they stop, Sora ask her status tablet .

Sora:"You really have a strange class, Balmung was right training you will be fun.

We will begin in a moment" Lot of bottle start appear in his hand.

Lyna:"h... how?"

Sora:" Storage ring very usefull, sit there and cross you leg" He start take some coloured ball from the bottle.

"They are training pills this will increase your training speed.

Closes your eyes and try find somethings into your mind, like a pulsation."

Lyna:" I have find it's like a small hole with 2 pulsations."

Sora:" Memorize the position, now try to sense something in your heart"

Lyna:" The green line that's it i have to find?"

Sora:" Yes , you do it fast for a 1rst time"

Lyna:" Maybe cause of the book i have read before they all talk about cultivation, and other things"

Sora:" Cultivation don't know this terms, stay concentrate the hard part start now.

Imagine this line to move in your corpse in a path , this line have to cover all your corpse when she reach your head, she have to circle around this hole then resume his path to your heart."

Lyna: "that's hard to do the line collapse after a moment" sweat start appear on her head.

Sora:"All reside in you concentration, keep your mind on this don't think to other things."

3 Hours later:

Lyna:" That's done what i do now?"

Sora:" Eat all this pills, keep your concentration to make the line move on his path"

Lyna:" Hu ok" Eating the pills she resume the training, she sense some tingling in her corpse that's hard to stay concentrate.

1hours,2 hours,3 hours Lyna don't see the time pass till she train.

Her corpse shining in a green halo, 20 hours later she awake when she hear a scream.

"That's dad what this guy do to him?"

"Better you don't know you can thanx Balmung who have call me for train you.

We will move from here, you can't train if always interrupt by some sounds."

Lyna:" Poor Dad , train hard you daughter count on you" She follow Sora.

After three hours they finally stop.

Sora:" This will be enought for don't be disturbed.

Go sleep a bit the effect of the pill will soon be finish and you will be exhausted."

With a move of his hand he take a duvet made from fur.

Lyna fall asleep when her head touch the floor.

Sora:" This child has some potentials have to train her well."

Six hours later :

"Wake up Lyna time to eat"

Lyna:" Hum hello and thanx"

Sora:" When you have finish eat this pills and this bottle"

Lyna:" So many pills that's the double of tomorrow, did this medicinal are cheap Master?"

Sora:" That's Sora but Master sound good too, don't pay attention to the price and train."

Lyna take her breakfast , eat the pills and then drink the Red bottle,wich have a acid taste but not repulsive.

She resume her last training, the line path now memorizate in two min the line move.

Like before she lost count of the time, when she wake up Fourty-eight hours has pass.

Sora:" How do you feel?"

Lyna:" I am fine ,full of energy but tired in the same time."

Sora send her the same Red bottle " Drink eat and sleep we will resume tomorrow."

Lyna drink it and before fall asleep ask Sora:"Master what are this bottle?"

Sora:" You will know later, sleep tomorrow will be exhausting."

In his sleep Lyna hear some voice like in a dream.

??:" How is she?"

Sora:" She just begin but have a very limitless futur, i will run out of 'This' , her corpse absorb it fast"

??: " Here take some from me, i will ask the other to send some too.

Train her well if the prophecy are true she will be our savior"

Sora:" Yes my king"

"Lyna wake up it's breakfeast time."

Lyna:" I come, hum Master did someone come this night?"

Sora:" No why?"

Lyna:" Nothing maybe i have dreaming" That's strange he don't admit but for what i have understand they don't want to harm me.

Sora:" Today we will do some level training, keeping the last training all time will not be good for your health.

Did you have any weapon?"

Lyna:" Yes i have this small sword, this and the armor set come from my Dad."

Sora:" You miss him?"

Lyna:" No he train too with me away he will do his best.

This Nature idiot lover, he need to be a bit less pacifist one day a rabbit will kill him without he dare harm it..."

Sora with a laugh:" Haha he seems more strange than you, kill by a rabbit without reply.

But for what we have hear before we leave, i think you don't have to worry for his pacifist nature"

Lyna:" That's true the poor who know what he have to do"

Sora:"let's go it's time to learn you how to hunt" taking the duvet inside the ring.

Ho right wich fighthing style do you want to be?"

Lyna: " Have think of it when i learn my class, I have to keep an eye of all the battle.

But can't fight at the range if my companion are in danger i will be to late to save them.

And i can't do a tank job wich have to keep his attention on the enemy.

So i think of a close class like a assassin, i can keep an eye of all the battle and help

if my companion are in danger."

Sora:" Nice choice i will have do it too learn this."


Light step skill book

Sword mastery skill book

Shadow move spell book


Lyna:" this..this..this is perfect thanx Master"She start read two hours later the hunt start.

Sora:" When you hunt you need to pay attention to your environment.

Try to guide your green line to go to your ear,noise and eye."

Lyna:" What are this i can see far away"

Sora:" Sense enhancement,your eyes will see the element around a prey, hit where they are less element that's a weak point.

let's go try to find a prey"

ten min later Lyna stop move.

"I hear somethings to the right, small footstep"

Sora:"Do what you want that's your training, i am here to train you not do the job"

Lyna with a nod start advance slowly, she finally see the target, they are bypede cover with fur and have a dog head.


Gnoll lv6 1star

Hp: ??

Mana: ??

Fearfull monster who live from eating waste


A brown halo cover them, they have less of it at the neck. "Shadow step" she appear behind one of them.

Before they can react her blade slash to him. Fatal hit -90 the gnoll collapse instant death.


You have received 100 exp(Fatal hit bonus +100exp)


The other launch his claw at her with a side move she evade, then slash at his shoulders where the halo has decrease.

Critical hit -25 bleed effect apply -5,-5,-5,-5. A cry escape from the gnoll mouth, before he can regain his attention she slash at his neck Critical hit -30.

He fall to the floor dead.


You have received 100 exp


"Clap, Clap,Clap well done 2vs1 and you have finish the fight with three hits." Sora appear with a smile.

Lyna:"Why are they weak they have more level than me"

Sora:"That's not they are weak, you hit them on a weak point of course they received more damage and suffer more pain, wich result in a lost of attention."

Lyna:" I need to find a more high level ennemy or i will not progress, did you have some knowledge in medicinal flower Master?"

Sora:" Yes why?"

Lyna:" Dad are a botanist and a alchemist, he all time think of me, and never buy something for him so i want to offer some"

Sora:" Ho it's not a problem i will gather on the road, take the lead"

Lyna: "Thanks i don't know how i will repay you."

On the road sometime Sora stop move and gather item like flower,mushroom, fruit from tree.

Lyna kill all enemy they encounter, for now that's only gnoll and goblin wich are not a challenge for her. She have win two level.

Sora:"We will stop for today, drink this bottle and have a nice sleep"

Lyna received antoher Red bottle and drink it;

In the middle of the night:

??: "Hey brother how are you?"

Sora:" Fine thanx"

??:"So it's her"

Sora:" Yes her potential are incredible her corpse Absorb this so fast, she need one bottle by day"

??:" What one each day this is crazy, i don't know if we will have enought; ho right other have give to me.

You have enought for ten day."

Sora:" Thanx and what are this?"

??:" Some gift for her ,i have encounter on the road"

Sora:" Hu i will have to change the training with that, ask little brother and little sister to wait for us at the Cave in 1 week"

??:" OK,OK see you later"

"Lyna wake up and eat your breakfeast"

Lyna:" Hello master, what are this!!!" fifteen meter away some monster sleep on the floor.

Sora:" Some visitor from tonight i have keep them for you, they are drug eat you breakfeast then kill them"

Lyna:"Hu..HU ok" ten min later a girl can be see slashing without stop on the neck of powerless monster.


you have kill werewolf lv100 2 star *30= 30000 exp

You have kill werewolf leader lv 120 3 star *1=15000 exp

You have..,you have.., you have... 19 windows later

You have reach lv 25


"That's what i call a powerleveling, i am lv 25 Master"

Sora:"Nice with this we change the training schedule, you will resume you line path training.

Add all your stats points into Wisdom you need a lot of regen when you use your companion.

Here eat your pills and drink your bottle."

For six day lyna do her training, each 24 hours Sora stop her for she take her pills and bottle.

Sora:" That's enought Lyna go sleep tomorrow i lead you to a special place."

In the morning Sora take the lead four hours later they can see a Caves with two people next.

Sora:" Lyna this is Cliff and she is Mia they will be your team for clean this dungeon"

The two send a hello to a shocked Lyna.



Name Lyna Alignment Neutral

Class Magical Beast Tamer Title

Species Human Gender Female

Level 25 Fame 0

Endurance <950 (10)>

Strenght <850 (5)>

Stamina <400 (5)>

Agility <700 (20)>

Charisma 15

Intelligence< 1105>

Luck 10

Wisdom <1080>




Magical Beast dimension

House of the Magical Beast


Novels reader's

Your can instantly identify a Magical Beast information


Magical Beast lover

Your tamed beast will never betray you.


adventuring spirit

You want to make quest and explore dungeons.

+10 % reward on a quest.

Apprentice:Level 1



Can draw map and dungeons with precision

Apprentice:Level 1



Ability to cook.

Apprentice:Level 1


Devil or angel

Can obtain what she want from her father.



Magical Beast training.

Magical Beast learn more from you.

+20 % d'exp

+10% skill speed learning

Apprentice:Level 1


Mana gathering.

Increase passive mana regen, +1 by character level.

<Apprentice:Level 6>


<Red Bottle: ????>


+15000 mana,+940 Endurance,+550 Stamina


<Pills+line path: ??????>


+815 Strenght+862 Intelligence+718 Wisdom


<Sword Mastery:>

Increase damage+ precison with a sword with each lv

+1 strenght by character level

Apprentice: Lv 1


<Light Step:>

You move without making sounds

-50% speed move when active




Magical Beast call

Summon your beast.(max beast lv 5)

cost:40 + 30 each 10 sec

Apprentice:Level 1


Beast Heal

Heal your target beast. +15 by level. 15 sec cooldown


Apprentice:Level 1


Beast Armor

Increase the beast and owner armor for 1 minute. +20 by level.


Apprentice:Level 1


Beast Strenght

Increase the beast and owner strenght for 1 min. +15 by level


Apprentice:Level 1


Beast Agility

Increase the beast and owner agility for 1 min. +15 by level


Apprentice:Level 1



Allow the owner to use his Magical Beast spell.

cost: vary from the spell used

Apprentice:Level 1


<Shadow Move:>

Teleport the user behind an ennemy

Next hit +200% damage if on weak point +300%

Can't be cast if under enemy vision



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