
Diamante Of The Donquixote Pirates

"Smoky, let's leave we are ready" Fuhaku

"The girl is going too?" Smoker

"Obviously" Fuhaku

"Very well, the ship is at the dock nearby so let's leave for Marineford" Smoker

"Why Marineford?" Fuhaku

"We can go to some other marine base too" Fuhaku

"You eliminated a shichibukai so I have to inform this matter at the headquarter" Smoker

"Are there any strong marine members there?" Fuhaku

"Why are you asking this?" Smoker

"Tell me fast" Fuhaku

"The admirals and some vice admirals should be at the headquarter right now" Smoker said after thinking for some time

"How can I join the marine?" Fuhaku

"You will be given your rank according to your strength by the vice admirals" Smoker

"What is your rank?" Fuhaku

"Commodore" Smoker

"What do you think about the rank that would be given to me?" Fuhaku

"Atleast rear admiral" Smoker

"By the way can you return my weapon?" Smoker

"It's very expensive" Smoker

"Here, you can take it back" Fuhaku took out the sword from his item box


"Sir, we are ready to sail" Tashigi

"Who are these two?" Tashigi looked at Fuhaku and Erza

"They will be going with us" Smoker

"Set sail towards Marineford" Smoker

"Why to the Headquarters?" Tashigi

"Ohh, I forgot about Crocodile to you I guess" Smoker

"What about him?" Tashigi

"He's been killed" Smoker

"Whaaat?!!" Tashigi

"The one who killed Crocodile is him" Smoker pointed towards Fuhaku

"Since, he doesn't have a bounty on his yet, he can join the marine" Smoker

"It would be better if you will be in the marine instead of somewhere else" Tashigi

"Ohh, why?" Fuhaku

"The marine fight for the.." Tashigi

"Tashigi, stop talking and check the eternal pose" Smoker intercepted

"Ok" Tashigi

"Smoker, can you do me a favor?" Fuhaku

"What?" Smoker

"Tell the marines that you killed Crocodile" Fuhaku

"It would be bad for me if a person like me who no one knows kill a shichibukai" Fuhaku

"And, the reputation of the marines would increase if the people come to know that it was a marine member who killed Crocodile" Fuhaku

"Bu.." Smoker

"Will you do it or not?" Fuhaku intercepted

"Good, I will do it" Smoker

"How much time would it take for us to reach Marineford?" Fuhaku

"A few weeks" Smoker

"I will be in a cabin so don't disturb me until we reach there" Fuhaku

"Ok" Smoker

"Erza let's go" Fuhaku

In the cabin.

"Erza, don't reveal your full strength in front of the marines" Fuhaku

"Just show the strength equal to that of a rear admiral" Fuhaku

"Okay" Erza

"Darling, can you teach me some S rank nin jutsu?" Erza

"Of course take the practice scroll of earth style eruption and water style water wave" Fuhaku passed two scrolls to Erza

"I will be practicing these two nin jutsu until we reach at the destination" Erza

"Good" Fuhaku

"System buy me a good lightning style S rank nin jutsu" Fuhaku



"Why is the ship shaking so much?" Fuhaku thought and went outside the cabin

"Fuhaku, we are being attacked by the pirates so help us fast" Smoker

"Who is the enemy?" Fuhaku

"Donquixote pirates!" Smoker

"Ohh, he is one of the shichibukai so why is he attacking the marine" Fuhaku

"The captain of those ships is Diamante" Smoker

"You protect the ship, I will take care of them" Fuhaku

"What are you going to do?" Tashigi

"Wait and watch" Fuhaku jumped from the ship

"Whaat?!!" Tashigi

"He is walking on water" Tashigi

"He is on a completely different level than us" Smoker said while smoking

"He might have the strength equal to that of an admiral" Smoker

"Seriously?" Tashigi

"That's why I want him to join the marine" Smoker

"He is walking towards those ships" Tashigi

At the pirate's ship.

"Captain, a guy is coming towards our ship" A pirate reported to Diamante

"Destroy his boat with the cannon" Diamante

"No, he is walking on water" Pirate

"Whaaat?!!" Diamante ran outside of his cabin and looked towards Fuhaku

"Shoot him down with the cannons fast" Diamante shouted

The pirates started pointing the ship towards Fuhaku.

The pirates started attacking on Fuhaku with the cannons.

"What is happening, he isn't getting hurt with the cannons" Diamante

Diamante used observation haki to see why Fuhaku isn't getting hurt.

"The attacks are passing through his body" Diamante

"I don't remember anything about a person like him in navy" Diamante

Fuhaku reached in front of the ship in which Diamante was present.

"Diamante, do you want to go to war with the marine?" Fuhaku shouted

"You are the member of the Donquixote pirates, Doflamingo will have to take responsibility for your attack today" Fuhaku

"Since, you attacked us but there was no major harm, I am only confiscating your cargo today" Fuhaku

"Confiscating the cargo?" Diamante

"The cargo is very important so you won't be getting any of it" Diamante smiled

"Do you want to die today Diamante?" Fuhaku

"Admiral Kizaru would soon reach here, I will see what you can do then" Fuhaku smiled

"It would take time for him tk reach here" Diamante smiled

"You didn't listen carefully huh, it's Kizaru who is coming" Fuhaku

"He has been informed of the attack" Fuhaku

"We would get away before he reaches here" Diamante

"No you wont" Fuhaku

"Water style water wave jutsu" Fuhaku, a wave rose under his feet and started increasing in size

"Whaaat?!!" Diamante

"You still think that you can go away?" Fuhaku smiled

The wave started moving towards the ships and hit them.

Only Diamante's ship was left.

"You can take the cargo but you will let me leave" Diamante

"I am fine with that" Fuhaku

"Follow me" Diamante

Fuhaku stored the cargo in his item box and returned to Smoker's ship.

"We are fine now, let's continue our journey" Fuhaku

"What happened to Diamante?" Smoker

"I let him leave" Fuhaku

"What?!!" Tashigi

"Bastard, why did you let him leave?" Tashigi shouted

"I got his cargo already" Fuhaku

"And, if you want to capture him than do it yourself hero" Fuhaku said with disdain

Tashigi didn't have anything more to say to Fuhaku so she left.

"What was in tbe cargo and where is it?" Smoker

"It was large amount of gold and it's safe with me" Fuhaku said and returned to the cabin