
The First Fight In The Arena

Kai looked at the monster that was standing in front of him. It just happened to be a dragon, a [Common Welsh Green] to be exact.

Standing at 6 meters tall and 10 meters long the dragon looked imposing and dangerous. It had glistening green scales that covered the dragon's flesh, two thin sharp horns.

At the base of the horns were wider patches of flesh that acted as the dragon's ears. The dragon had a mouth full of big pointed teeth like a crocodile. The claws of the dragon were flat with the edges of the talons were hooked, meant to give the dragon grip.

The last feature that created the dragon's terrifying look were its eyes. It had dead white eyes that had no pupils in them giving the dragon an appearance like the bringer of death.

Kai looked at the Common Welsh Green and tried to remember when he had killed it, no matter how hard he tried to remember he couldn't and eventually gave up. Kai looked at it and felt that the dragon wasn't strong at all, he felt like he could defeat the thing in an instant.

But at that moment that Kai had regained his confidence, he got a nasty surprise. In the opposite direction of Kai position, stood the dragon. The arena floor opened up next to him and an ethereal nearly-featureless face floated from below. The face had one feature… a mouth.

The face drifted closer to the dragon and opened its mouth, fangs extended from the mouth and grew until they were 20 centimetres long. The mouth bit into the dragon's neck and injected Kai's own vampire venom.

The dragon struggled weakly, but to no avail, it couldn't resist the ethereal face. After a few seconds, the face disappeared, and the arena floor grew back again.

The dragon's body released a fifty-meter wide cloud of red mist that cloaked the dragon's body. Inside the mist, Kai could hear screams of pain and see sudden lights of red lightning that showed a shadow the dragons struggling body.

Kai could feel the rising aura of the dragon, in the beginning, it was still weak but Kai was starting to feel danger from the large mist cloud. He tried to move towards the dragon's direction to kill it before it grew too powerful. However, Kai was immobilised to the spot by an unseen force, no matter how hard he struggled he couldn't move his body apart from his eyes.

Five minutes later the mist cleared and in the former dragon's place there stood a completely different dragon. The dragon was twice the original Common Welsh Green's size. It had large spikes running down its spine, and at the tip of its tail, it had a large sharp bone that could pierce metal.

The dragon had two more horns on its head while the original two had grown much larger. The mouth full of teeth had grown larger while two fangs at the top of its gums had grown to become vampire fangs jutting out of its mouth.

Its original green scales had turned a deep red, and its dead eyes now had to crimson pupils that emitted a terrible bloodlust. Overall the dragon was now extremely dangerous after its transformation.

Kai looked at the dragon in horror as the memory of the Dahak came back to him causing him to shiver all over. But while Kai's mind was fearing the dragon his vampiric instincts were raging at the new challenger that tried to challenge it.

The combination of the bloodlust emitted by the dragon and his own instincts had caused Kai to calm down moderately, he still feared the dragon, but he could still think logically.

Kai looked at the dragon and tried to understand why the dragon would change so drastically. In his transformation, he changed his appearance, but his own height and size didn't change like this dragon did.

Kai believed that the dragon had his size changed because female dragons were attracted to the stronger dragons and he appeared to have become a "lady killer" although he was just a monster in Kai's books.

At that moment Kai's copy appeared out of nowhere on a large judge's stand floating in the air outside the arena. He declared in a loud voice that boomed all over the arena "The preparations are now complete, let the fight begin once I finish the countdown. Three, Two, One, FIGHT!"

At the moment the copy's voice boomed the word fight the dragon flew towards Kai, letting out a guttural roar. Kai was taken by surprise at the dragon's speed because it was almost at the same speed as him. If Kai's top speed was at the peak of Mach 8 almost reaching Mach 9, then the dragon had barely passed Mach 8. The dragon propelled itself across the arena with its large wings releasing crimson flames at Kai. Kai instantly dodged the large gush of fire and punched the dragon with all of his strength.

The dragon flew across the arena and crashed into the wall, Kai instantly followed the dragon but by the time he had gotten to the other side of the arena the dragon had already recovered.

Kai was met with a berserk torrent of fire that burnt his skin causing him to dodge the rest. Luckily for Kai, he had only gotten the beginning of the fire instead of taking the brunt of the flames.

The dragon lunged forward with its maw wide open and this time Kai was to slow. His arm was caught inside the dragon's mouth and it instantly bit down swallowing the arm.

Kai yelled out in anguish and pain as he was only left with one arm his right arm. Kai decided to utilise his legs instead and leapt towards the dragon. He quickly started to unleash a torrent of blows onto the dragon's side but it was resisting Kai's blows easily.

If a normal human could see the fight he would believe that it was a fight between gods because of the viciousness and strength that was shown.

Kai unleashed all of his anger onto the dragon and for a few moments, it couldn't react to Kai's attacks. It was shot into an arena wall and was continuously pounded over and over.

The dragon's original animalistic brain had been developing rapidly since the transformation and quickly tried to think of a tactic to overcome Kai. Since he was rapidly pounding its torso into the wall nonstop, he could use his wings to try and push Kai away or use his tail.

The dragon opted for it wings since it thought that since the wigs were bigger they would do more damage. The dragon flapped its wings over and over until they created a large wind that momentarily distracted Kai.

But that was all the dragon required to break free from Kai's grip. He instantly whipped Kai's face with his tail causing Kai to be thrown across the arena. The dragon flew out of the deep hole that Kai had made using its body and flapped its wings in Kai's direction.

Kai looked down and saw the dragon making its way towards him. Kai desperately urged his blood strands into his amputated arm and saw it rapidly regenerating. A moment later the arm had grown back completely, and Kai looked at the dragon which had its two claws stretched out ready to snatch Kai out of the air.

Kai chose to dive towards the ground instead of letting himself be taken by the dragon because he knew that if he was caught then he would die.

Kai crashed into the ground and made a huge crater in the arena's floor. Kai still hadn't recovered from the fall when the dragon landed on him pinning Kai down with his foot. Kai could see the dragon open its mouth and the insides of his mouth started to glow orange while a fiery light came out of his throat.

Hi there just wanted to mention that this battle is extremely quick from a normal person's point of view.

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