
Sight To Behold (4)

After what he'd heard this morning on the radio, he craved revenge more than ever.

Many of the cells on the row, although not Jaen Songok's, had radios. Rap, heavy metal, and kpop competed with one another all day long like blasts of gunfire. Jaen Songok hated all that noise. How he longed for the pleasant music he used to play in his car.

Occasional news updates interrupted the barrage of unmelodious sounds. Many of the reports were about him; the Reaper, he sometimes thought with a nostalgic touch of pride, was still the city's major story.

A few hours earlier he'd overheard one such report on a radio in an adjacent cell. The announcer recited some meaningless lines about the preliminary hearing tomorrow and about Detective Kim Hyeok's continuing work on the case, then added, "Kim Hyeok is rumored to have become romantically involved with Go Ara, the alleged serial killer's last intended victim."

Jaen Songok had felt hot, then cold, then hot again.

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