
WhiteBlood Secret Arte

Endless Domain was plain black in colour. Those on the outside couldn't even hear a single sound from that domain sphere. This domain was indeed the most intriguing one among all the domain available.

Not too far from the pitch black domain sphere, stood two female warrior clad in armor. They were Ria and Hallel, the only two godkins presents in the battlefield aside from Mays.

''How the hell did he do that?''

Hallel who stood close to Ria asked away what had been bugging her mind.

''How the hell would I know?''

Obviously, Ria's reply wouldn't be polite. The two of them had been competing all the time after all. The only time they maintained their cordiality was when Mays was present.

''Ah sorry. I forgot you're a muscle head. There is no way for you to know.''

''Says the one who was often called that by Mays.''

It was true that the both of them were muscle heads but in terms of ridiculing others, Ria was several step higher compared to Hallel. With several of her casual replies, she managed to pissed Hallel off without she herself knowing.

''Fine, whatever!''

Moving away from Ria, Hallel kicked several stones away in a fit of anger. Ria who saw the whole thing giggled softly before her gaze shifted to Syaitona who was fast approaching not too far from her.

''What did Mays told you?''

Even as a muscle head, there were things that she knew for sure. Mays would leave behind an order to the leader of his spirits before he go somewhere or do something on his own. This was one of the things that she was sure of.

''Nothing else except subduing all the insane bosses present here. You are also free to kill those who don't surrender.''

''Nice and easy. You're good at this, keep it up.''

''Yes, madam.''

Being praised by Ria made Syaitona felt a little awkward. True that this person was her mistress, someone important to his master but her personality made it hard for others to respect her. A childish muscle head who always did things based on feelings. This was the type of people Syaitona had problem dealing with the most.

''Attentions! As my sweetheart is busy with some minor matter, I'll take over his previous role. None of you people will object right?''

The focus of everyone present once again shifted. All of them were now eyeing the woman in pink armor who stood proudly in front of the injured sabretooth tiger. Dozens of spirit stood mightily behind her acting like her guards. Since they already finished killing those stray black dragons and ogres all over the area, they came back to Ria's side awaiting further order.

With everyone's attention focused on her, she harrumphed before she continued.

''I won't waste time with you guys. You first, half dead tiger. You going to surrender or not?''

''What did you just call me? Damn human!''

''Are you deaf or what? If I didn't hear any answer in your next line, I will take it as you refused to do so, useless piece of weak ass tiger.''

''Shut your trap, bitch! I'm not going surrender!''

Enraged as he was, the heavily injured sabretooth tiger had long lost his common sense. His only thought right now was too kill this annoying female human in front of him. Never would he had thought that his thoughtless action would led him to his demise.

''Then die. It's just that simple. Kill him!''

''Yes, master!''

That simple order from Ria triggered almost one hundred spirits into action. Obviously every single one of them who stood behind her acted right away.

''Frost Chain!'' ''Flame Chain!'' ''Hellfire Burst!''

''Chaos Meteor!'' ''Sonic Slash!'' ''Rain Of Arrow!''

''Artillery Bombardment!'' ''Sword Burst!'' ''Sky Fist!''

''Holy Sanction!'' ''Holy Smite!'' ''Rainbow Strike!''

One skill after another rained down upon the immobile Tomtom. One could imagine what the result would be for one to be bombarded by that kind of firepower when they was already badly injured.


The other sabretooh tiger, Tintin howled in anger and desperation. The one who had been bombarded to death was none other than his close kin. The two of them were not blood brothers but their relationship could be said as better than real brothers.

''Why did you kill him? He did nothing deserving death.''

''Shut up, asshole. As if I care about those petty reason. You're next. You surrender or not, pussy cat?''

Without trying to reason with the other side, Ria proceeded as if nothing happened at all. She couldn't care less about the emotion of her opponents. There was only one thing she knew and that was the order relayed to her by Mays.

''Go to hell!''

''Seems like it is also a no. Kill him.''

Another barrage of concentrated attack once again commenced. The target this time was also another fatally injured sabretooth tiger. With their temperament, it was most likely that they wouldn't surrender no matter what the situation was. Let alone when their close kin was killed right before their eyes. Two powerful figure died just like that.

Truth be told, this kind of concentrated attack from one hundred spirits couldn't easily kill gold ranked insane bosses. The only reason why these two died under these barrage of attack was because of their current situation. They were already fatally injured during the fight against the group of spirits. Not to mention that they also had to face the insanely strong female godkins who suddenly joined the fray. They were only barely alive thanks to Mays stopping the fight earlier.


''We surrender!''

Both Cairan and Cairy was now in their human form. They were full of injuries but none of those were fatal to them. Even with diluted dragon blood flowing in their veins, their regeneration was still top notch compared to other beast kins.

Waliwa and Dadan looked at each other for a while before they also decided to surrender. They knew that they couldn't escape this place alive if they didn't choose to do so. Death or slavery. It was just a matters of dignity and pride. Most living beings treasured their live most hence it was not weird for them to choose submission over death.

''Heh, nice choice.''

Ria grinned as she looked over those gold ranked insane bosses who surrendered. She felt proud as she accomplished the mission given by Mays swiftly. She then took out four slave collar from her space belt before tossing them to the newly surrendered bosses.

Cairan, Cairy, Waliwa and Dadan. Every one of them got one each. They were clueless at first as of why they were given those collar.

''Wear them right away to prove your loyalty. You guys knows what I will do if you don't.''

A mere snicker from Ria sent chill down their spine. This woman was a demon on the inside. Her beautiful face didn't reflect her overbearing personality at all. Since the one in charge already gave out her order, they could only comply unwillingly.

''Just like this right?''

Cairy was the first one to put on the collar. Unexpectedly, nothing actually happened to her at all.

''Are you okay, Cairy?''

''I'm okay sister. In fact, I didn't feel anything at all even after wearing it.''

Truth be told, these sisters were prepared to even take an oath as long as they could keep their lives. They were in the end just high level warriors from their dukedom. They had served their dukedom to the best of their ability for years hence there was no shame for wanting to keep their own lives.

''Eh. They why did she even bother asking us to wear it?''

''I don't know either.''


The conversation between the two sisters were interrupted by a loud wail and scream of agony from Waliwa, one of the gold ranked insane bosses from AshenWolves Dukedom. His friend, Dadan was trying to calm him down but to no avail.

''What happened? Why did he become like that?''

All the other gold ranked insane bosses were confused by that sudden change of event. How come one of them was perfectly fine while the other one almost turned insane from wearing the same thing. This event was totally illogical.

''Heh, intrigued are you not?''

Truth be told, it was not only the group of gold ranked bosses who were dumbfounded by this, even Hallel and all those elves who witnessed what happened couldn't understand the situation. Their eyes had been glued on them all the time but they couldn't detect anything suspicious at all.

''Stop with the nonsense. Tell me, what happened to my friend?''

Out of desperation, Dadan urged Ria to explain what happened to his friend. This was after all the first time he saw his friend suffered like that.

''Nothing important happened actually. He only get his just dessert.''

''Just dessert?''

It was obvious that Ria's word brought more question to those presents. What the hell did she meant by that?

''This collar. Its function is simple. If you hold no ill will to me then nothing going to happens just like that beautiful sister over there. This pitiful guy, I don't need to explain more do I?''

Everyone understood everything after they listened to that explanation. True, this collar was more lenient compared to taking an oath but it was better in some aspects. These gold ranked insane bosses might not know about it but Ria who had been briefed by Mays knew.

These bosses might have ways to bypass the oaths they made using some obscure means but there was no way for them to overcome the slave collar. They might not know but the wearer's hostility would immediately changed into loyalty with the power of the slave collar and that effect was permanent.

''Well then, you two. Wear it faster.''


Knowing that no harm was done to her sister, Cairan immediately wore the collar without asking anything else. As long as she could live with her sister, she wouldn't mind changing her allegiance.

''Before I wear it, can I know why those two didn't need to wear this thing? What if they flee later on?''

Feeling that it was not fair for the two dragon kin to be left out like that, Dadan asked for the reason why those two had the privilege of not wearing the collar. To him, it was quite a humiliation for him to be viewed lower than those two since they were all of the same rank.

Assym was startled when she was suddenly targeted verbally by Dadan but Romeo was not affected at all. He was calm all the same.

''Oh them. My sweetheart approved that geezer hence he don't have to wear this thing. The same goes to that sister who seemed close to him. Simple as that.''

''Ugh, fine.''

Since there was nothing else he could do, Dadan equipped the collar while keeping his state of minds in check. He felt that nothing happened to him at all at the beginning. But once he started thinking about some sort of scheme against Ria, his head would hurts a lot as if something was tempering with his minds.

A simple thought wouldn't torture him hard enough. He could easily gained his sanity back and realized that his malice and hostility against this female human reduced greatly. Dadan now realized how fearsome this simple looking collar was. It was way more troublesome compared to an oath. With who knew how many other wonderful items in their possession, it was no wonder than godkins could triumphed over them in the war five years ago.


As a top official of Black Dragon King's faction, King Hitam Cair was indeed someone knowledgeable. One glance was all it took for him to realize that he was now trapped inside a domain. From the information gained by the survivor of the war five years ago, he knew well what a domain represented.

Only top godkins had domains. There were less than ten godkin possessed said domains. This fact meant one thing, the person who stood in front of him was in no way a small fry. He was one of the leader of the godkins for sure.

''Now that there are only the two of us here, are you ready?''

Steadily cracking his fist, Mays focused his sight on King Hitam Cair who was now in human form. Since he knew that he had no chance of getting out of the domain if he didn't kill the godkin in front of him, he started thinking on his next move calmly.

''There is no haste. We have all the time we need to enjoy a good fight.''

''That's true, but... I don't plan on wasting my precious time with you.''

Finishing his line, Mays disappeared from his previous location without any sign. Before King Hitam Cair could react to it, he was already sent flying several meters away as his back was kicked cleanly by Mays.

Thanks to his high defense, that kick barely injured him but King Hitam Cair was totally dumbfounded by Mays's high speed movement. This was in fact the first time he saw someone moved that fast. Not even his father could do that without using his magic.

''How did you do that?''

''Do you perhaps thought that I would be kind enough to explain it to you?''

Another kick landed on King Hitam Cair's back as the question from Mays echoed all over the domain. Mays's voice was not particularly loud but it was exceptionally clear nonetheless.

Even after taking on tens of kicks, King Hitam Cair still couldn't catch up with Mays's speed. Let alone touching Mays, he couldn't even touch the small dragon coiled around his neck. He even wondered how the hell that small dragon could be maintained at that same spot with Mays moving that fast.

That speed of his was indeed otherworldly. The only reason why King Hitam Cair could maintain his calm was because Mays offensive power was low. His current power was after all only comparable to those weak gold ranked insane bosses.

''Your strength only amount to that much?''

As if he had the leverage to badmouthing his opponent, King Hitam Cair mockingly asked Mays something he already knew. Or so he thought he already knew.

''Nah, of course not. I'm just warming up earlier. Ready for round two then?''

''Overwhelming White.''

With his right hand behind his back, Mays gestured with his left hand in a provocative pose. The air surrounding him was somewhat different than previously. King Hitam Cair started sweating all of a sudden before he halted his action of rushing toward Mays.

''Oh? Your instinct was somewhat good.''

Mays was quite shocked when he saw King Hitam Cair's abrupt decision to stop in the middle of a rush. He thought his opponent was just average but apparently he had some abilities.

''You? What the hell did you just do?''

Droplets of sweat kept pouring down from King Hitam Cair's forehead. His instinct told him that something bad would happen if he attacked Mays. He was perplexed by what the godkin in front of him just did.

''Meh, you're too cautious. I'll attack then. Please be a proper punching bag, thanks.''


King Hitam Cair howled in agony as he felt tremendous pain on his torso. He then tried to touch his torso to check his injury but then he realized that his right hand was not there anymore. His forearm was torn off after Mays previous attack.

When his gaze landed on Mays who stood firmly not too far from him, he saw him swinging his amputated hand as if it was some broken toy. Once he saw Mays grinned as the latter walked toward him leisurely, King Hitam Cair knew that his opponent had changed entirely compared to before.

Once again, Mays disappeared from his previous spot. King Hitam Cair tried his hardest to locate Mays but to no avail. He couldn't even follow his opponent's shadow. A kick landed on the back of his head which then sent him flying countless meter away.

He was indeed toyed by Mays at the moment. He had lost count on how many time Mays had attacked him. The only reason why King Hitam Cair was still alive and kicking was because his opponent had no intention on killing him right away. His energy was reduced quite a lot after regenerating though.


King Hitam Cair once again transformed into his black dragon form as he roared loudly. Even in his dragon form, his amputated hand didn't regrew. The only way for him to survive and leave this domain was to kill his opponent. Too bad that his knowledge about domain was miniscule. There was no information about Mays's domain at all hence he didn't know that Mays's Endless Domain wouldn't disappear if the caster died.

''Darkness Desperation!''

A huge pillar of dark energy shot through from the black dragon mouth at supersonic speed. This attack was without doubt King Hitam Cair's strongest attack skill. This level of attack could easily kill a normal gold ranked intermediate bosses. Even a gold ranked insane boss couldn't escape unscratched facing this attack. This attack could be said to be his final trump card. It took over half of his magic power to launch this terrifying attack.

But the current Mays was an exception.

With both his hand raised up as if he was trying to push a sliding door, Mays started moving both his hand gently yet swiftly. There were traces of his usual beautiful moves but it was somewhat different this time. Maybe only someone like San who was well versed with their family martial arts would notice that subtle difference.

''WhiteBlood Secret Arte... Infinite Reflection!''

Imitating the shape of a butterfly by crossing his wrist and opening both his palm, Mays activated a skill nobody in HeavensTale had heard of before. A skill only known to those four guardian family as one of the three forbidden arte of the WhiteBlood clan.

A circular barrier appeared all over Mays after he used his secret arte. Mays's facial expression was solemn as he held out at the same location without moving an inch. The burst of dark energy tides over like countless monstrous high waves yet they dissipated the moment they touched the barrier surrounding Mays.

As the barrier kept blocking the incoming dark energy, it undergone some sort of metamorphosis and it shone brighter over time. This situation continued for almost half a minute before the grey coloured barrier turned bright white all of a sudden.


That breaking sound signalled that the energy stored within the barrier had reached its limits. Mays who was inside the barrier wiped the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth as he softly muttered something.

''WhiteBlood Burst!''

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