
A Guru and A Disciple

There were two people walking through the valley of Deva Pahari. There was a river flowing beside the trail they were walking on. They are a Guru and his disciple.

The person who was in lead has white hairs and beard. His hairs on the head were tied on top of his head in a bun. His aura seems to be otherworldly and his expression serene. He is looking ahead calmly and walking with firm footsteps but his steps are making no sounds.

Someone can hear the 'kal kal kal' sound of flowing water stream and the 'san san san' sound of blowing wind in the valley. Guru and his disciple were walking ahead without any intention of admiring the beautiful scenery.

Disciple looks toward his Guru time to time while suppressing his curiosity. Finally, he could not control himself and came beside his Guru and asked "Teacher! we have been walking for more than 1 day already. You said we will meet some interesting person today. Where will we meet that person?"

Guru smiled toward his disciple walking beside him and said while looking toward the high mountain peaks and said: "We are almost there." Disciple looked around and only can see high mountains, river, dense forest and the spacious trail. The expression of the disciple was of confusion.

"You should trust your teacher more. Being curious is good and so is trusting those whom you respect." Guru smiled and said to his disciple and Disciple lowered his head guiltily.

Those words from his Guru felt on his mind as cold water and disciple's curiosity subsided. Guru watched the changing expression on the disciple's face and he laughed with 'ho ho ho' sound.

Disciple muttered while walking "Teacher's laugh sounds so vulgar. Why doesn't he change it?"

Guru snorted and said "What is vulgar and what is cultured? These are all the definitions made by worldly people. Why should I follow their trend? I will just do what I like. I will say that they are all vulgar who are tied to this world."

Now disciple has understood that he has successfully triggered his Guru and it will be an earful of lecture before he stops. Guru kept walking forward and keep telling him.

"You know why I made you my disciple 100 years back? It was because when you came in front of me, you were very sad and confused and you asked me a question."

"Do you still remember what was that question? You asked 'Please tell me what is the purpose of living. Why are we born on this earth?'"

"Your teacher has lived for more than 500 years already, believe in him. Don't be affected by your emotions too much. Or be affected by emotion but try to limit the type of emotions. You are sometimes curious, sometimes excited, sometimes shy and sometimes happy. The fluctuations created by your emotions in your consciousness will affect your spiritual growth."

After sometime disciple has finally understood the thing his master is saying and he said "Teacher! I have understood my mistake. I believe as long I could control my emotions, I would be able to perfect retraction. I am trying. Please guide me whenever necessary."

"Ho ho ho. This is what I like about you. You are quick in accepting your mistake. You are always ready to learn" Guru laughed and said. Disciple slowed a bit and took his position few steps behind his Guru and kept following. Being too near will provoke his curiosity and also his Guru's speech. It's better to keep a safe distance.

Disciple also wishes that he can reach the level of his Guru but he is still too far. But one thing is sure, the disciple will not trade his position with anything in this world. Being a disciple of such a divine person might be the result of accumulations of hundreds of different lives. His Guru is a pioneer of Yoga in this era. There are many people who respect him. There are also many people who ridicule him. There are also many people who fear of provoking him. But his Guru always says that these respect, fear or ridicule are the emotions of worldly people which keep changing like the shape of clouds and does not need our attention.

Guru suddenly stopped and looked around and said "We are almost here. Let us sit on the grass there and wait for some time." Guru pointed toward a flat land between the river and side trail. He moved and sit while folding his legs and closed his eyes in meditation.

Disciple looked around and found that this location was between two mountains. One side has the slope of a mountain covered with trees and another side is a straight wall of rocks created naturally. At one side, almost five to ten-meter wide river is flowing and there are only two ways to travel either forward or backward. The chirping of birds can be heard occasionally. This place where his Guru has sat is comparatively spacious and a large part of Blue sky can be seen if one looks overhead. All in all this place is very peaceful and serene.

Disciple also sat in the grassy open space and went into the meditative state. He tried to suppress his curiosity. He tried to make himself nonchalant about what his Guru has planned. He should concentrate on following his Guru's teachings and separate himself from the worldly affairs.

Soon Disciple's concentration was broken by the sound coming from the top of the mountain. He heard with slight effort and felt like the emotions in this voice could easily cause turmoil in the heart of any person. That voice echoed in the valley

Priya! Take me with you...

Let us go together..

Let us fly together...

That sound was heart-wrenching and disciple looked toward his Guru who is smiling and looking toward the highest point of the steep ridge. He laughed and said "ho ho ho. I did not predict wrongly."

Suddenly Guru frowned. Disciple picked up the change in expression of his Guru and looked upward and saw a person falling and heard the voice of his Guru in his ears "Catch that person."

Disciple ran forward toward the steep rock wall of the ridge from where the person was falling. Disciple reached the ridge wall and jumped on it. In the next moment, he was few meters high on the wall and he pushed himself up in the air by pushing on the wall with his leg. Disciple reached in the air almost ten meters high in the line of the person falling toward the ground and caught the falling person and came down gliding slowly in the air. He brought that person in front of his Guru and laid him on the ground.

Guru looked at the unconscious person and murmured "I really felt it yesterday. This must be divine intervention." He looked at his disciple and said "His state of soul and mind is totally aligned in one direction. His consciousness is rejecting the world but is also accepting it. He is accepting the world because it has one person he cares about most."

Disciple looked confused. He asked politely "Teacher! How did you know these things even when he is unconscious."

"Although he is unconscious, he is not dead. His soul is still in his body. Or I must say that he is still in the body." Guru smiled and said. Disciple listened attentively while Guru continued.

"You can interact with someone with two ways, either through the body or through the soul. Unless you have perfected the conception stage of Yoga, you can never enter the cognitive stage and will not be able to understand the souls and interact with them. Secrets of the world will start unraveling in front of you once start understanding the souls" Guru smiled and said.

Disciple felt proud of being a disciple of such Guru and felt more encouraged. Although he has perfected restrain, regulate, asanas and self-control stages of Yoga he knows that the actual spiritual journey of Yoga starts after that with the practice of the retraction stage. The practice of Yoga till now has made his body healthy and senses many times stronger than a normal person and the practice of retraction will give him self-healing and element manipulation capabilities and he has started understanding them also. He knows that practice of Yoga is a step by step process but having such a Guru really boosts his confidence and courage on this spiritual journey.

Guru said again "Leave him be for now" and again entered the meditative state. Disciple looked at the unconscious person and then started meditating himself. Night came and went, morning light has appeared in the sky. When disciple opened his eyes, he found his Guru standing on the bank of the river looking toward the forest. He turned and looked at his disciple. Guru has his usual expression of indifferent with an easy smile playing on his face. He looked like someone unaffected by things around him.

Disciple looked toward the unconscious person and then toward his Guru. It seems his Guru understood his intentions and said "He has considered that he will be gone from this world and thus he has imprisoned himself in his consciousness and dreaming of his loved one. He does not wish to come out of the world he has created for himself." Guru sighed and said "Ah, So much love. It's a pity. I also do not wish to wake him up."

Disciple asked "Teacher! So, when will he wake up? Do we wait for him to wake up?"

"What? if he wakes up by himself, then he won't deserve my attention. I am afraid he won't wake up until the end of his life. His consciousness has already abandoned this world. That soul wants to leave this body." Guru said.

Disciple felt confused and asked "Teacher! What should we do then? By waking him up, aren't we obstructing the path of his destiny? What if he was supposed to reunite with his loved one this way."

"How can he reunite after leaving the body? With no spiritual power, he will have no control over his rebirth and place of rebirth. Can he even follow his lover in that state?" Guru said.

Disciple found his curiosity increasing again and asked "Then if he lives. Will he be able to reunite with his lover? As you said he is immersed deeply in that emotion, how will he turn up if he lives? He might blame us for doing this even if we feel it is a good deed."

Guru smiled and said "Who is your Guru? Don't get confused by the level of your knowledge. I can see, His lover is still following him but she is losing her spiritual powers and soon she will lose her memory of this birth and cross over to the soul world."

Disciple felt surprised and shouted "Teacher! I really wish that you help them. Can you help them, please? Such great love, I want to see that repeating again."

Guru became more proud and said "Of course I wish to help them. I will enforce her with spiritual powers and she will remain in the mortal world with her memories intact. I will help her take rebirth. But I will put some conditions on him."

Disciple looked at his Guru with a questioning gaze. Guru laughed and said "Destiny has brought me to him. He has to become my disciple and practice on the path of Hath Yoga I have developed. Anyway, he has no other way." He looked in one direction and said while lost in thoughts "I can see from her memory how much she loved him. It will be a pity if he could not sustain in the path of Yoga until they meet again."

Guru smiled at his disciple. Disciple asked confused "What should I do now?"

"Let us not wait any longer. That girl is pitiful. Let us wake him up and start him on the path of becoming a Yogi" Guru declared.

Disciple looked toward his Guru questioningly.

Guru picked up his stick and hit the head of his disciple with a 'tak' sound and said "You are still so slow minded. Pick that body and throw in the river."

Disciple did not move from his place and asked again "Teacher! Although water is not deep still it's cold and he could drown."

Guru just said again "Do it. His consciousness is still attached to this body, so by shaking the body a bit, we can wake him up. If we delay it linger, it might be troublesome. Just do it."

Disciple stood up, picked the unconscious young man and carried him to the bank and threw him in the water...


Hope this chapter was not too boring. This was to give introduction to Veer's teacher to be and his senior brother. The spiritual journey of Veer will start next.

Please provide your feedback and reviews which will help me improve the story and my writing style going forward..

Thanks for joining the journey of Veer on the path of love and spirituality.

Kritdeocreators' thoughts
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