
The build up to Summer

Getting his wounds tended, Chu recalled how it all ended up this way.

With Lucy's arrival, the group was now all together.

On weekends Mr Thomas would drive the wagon to the village. Accompanying him would be his wife and three of the children.

They did not cut across the grasslands but traveled east until they met the old army road. This was the north south road that ran parallel along the forest border. It was normally only used by the local farmers and peddlers around their respective villages.

Because of its distance from the forest, it was considered a safer route. The road also linked the farms in the area together.

Chu had Mr Thomas use this road for two reasons. First he wanted to establish cordial relations between the surrounding farms. That way in the event of trouble they would not be seen as strangers.

The second reason was to introduce Mr Thomas as the new farmer in the locality. This way would cut any strange talk or rumors from starting. It would also keep any unscrupulous persons eying their farm away with his Military background.

As for Mr Thomas name being spread Chu was not the least bit concerned. Their were dozens of like named individuals farming in the Empire. Not to mention, these people were near confined to this remote place struggling to survive.

No matter which universe, the boondocks was the place to go if you did not want to be found. In remote locations like this, nobody had time to question your name. Everyone was too busy struggling to survive.

On reaching the village, they stayed at the family home.

The ladies would tend to keeping the house cleaned and shop for necessary items in the village. Main supplies would be handled by Chu during negotiations with the Trading Post.

They usually spent the night in the house before returning the next day. This way the house would not be taken over by anyone. Of course no one sane enough would try to claim a house bearing the crest of the Trading Post.

The week after the goals had been set, Mr Thomas sent out a letter to Simon. John had confirmed with them that Griz and his family were now comfortably settled in Karst.

Knowing this information, Thomas wasted no time in sending out the letter to procure some items.

He covered himself saying that he had found a suitable protege. This would help him increase his protection. The boy was adamant in getting books so he decided to help. It would be a good help for his daughter.

Using these legitimate excuses, Thomas first looked to secure a suitable leather armor for Lucy. He knew that Simon would only seek out the best in this type for him. Thomas did not forget to mention the suitable accessories and the weapons he needed.

He next wrote a list of books ranging from the history of the Empire to Military training books. He hoped Simon could use their contacts left behind in Frost to gain as much of these as possible.

Sooner or later these kids would have to travel. A well-educated traveler had a greater chance of surviving the world than an ill-informed simpleton.

With this done, he was confident Simon could use the Trading Post contacts to get these items from the Cities. Quality workmanship were always found among places where people with money could afford to buy it.

Chu made use of his agreement with Griz to grab all the supplies he needed to start-up the farm. He grabbed everything from seeds to ropes. He did not forget to take his new deed from John.

On the last month of Spring during one of their visits, Chu received a letter from Griz. The contents were mostly of his boasting about his newfound luck and merchant positions. It included a most important piece of information.

His father would be on the next convoy due in a week time.

That week Chu made the trip early and loitered around the village. Soon the convoy arrived with some familiar guards.

His father was in high spirits. Griz had given them a small house in his compound and hired him as the gardener. His mother was working in the kitchen for the household. His sister was the same age as one of Griz's daughter and joined her during the home tutoring.

Chu was happy for his old man. Doubly so since he was now safe in Karst. He did not have to worry about the family if those Goblins did raid the area.

John was a true successor to the position of Master. He had already made a full load for the convoy to pack and depart the following day. Chu had his old man spend the night in their old home.

He introduced him to Thomas and quelled the worry about his safety. Chu knew this would ease the old lady's mind back in Karst.

The next day they waved goodbye again. Chu mentioned to his father not to worry about returning to the village. Now that the family was better off, he could send them letters to inform them of his situation.

He was adamant in this stance and made his father promise they would not return. This was alleviated when he added that by next year he would visit them in the town. Last thing he wanted was for the man to be caught up in some danger while trying to visit.

John called Chu into the Trading Post lodge when the wagons left. He brought Chu and Thomas into his own room. Chu was no stranger to this room, it had once belonged to Griz.

"Master Griz sent this chest for you. He said to consider it his gift for all the work rendered. Mr

Simon also sent this chest for Mr Thomas. He said that every month he would try to gather as much books you need. He says he has high hopes for his niece."

That evening they returned from the village to the barn.

The group crowded over the large table in the dining room. When the small chest was opened, it drew gasps from all around.

Within it was a small sack filled with gold coins.

Chu gave the first mission to his pair of accountants.

"Count it."

They held the bag greedily and rushed over to the other end of the table to count it.

Clod thoughtfully placed a small lamp at that end to help them in their business. He had already inventoried and stored his farming supplies. Since then he was beaming like a lighthouse.

Mr Thomas opened the large chest to find a cloth bundle. He fished it out and unwrapped it to find a well-oiled and supple leather armor. The detailed workmanship could only be described as exquisite.

Wrapped in another smaller cloth were two sheathed foot-long daggers. The weight and well-balanced features screamed of superior quality and craftsmanship.

These items drew a slew of comments from the gawking crowd.

"Wow, That is so well made."(Miki)

"This is just as heavy as our short swords. What kind of metal is this?"(Clod)

"Hey old man. We got scammed! I am using a sword not a pair of daggers. Now we have to waste time in returning this and reordering!"(***)

Chu was still admiring the leather armor. This was his first time actually being able to hold something he never imagined in his previous life. Many times he had reminded himself that if this was a dream it was too realistic.

"This leather armor is good quality. Even the ends are riveted and sewn for durability."(Chu)

"What the hell man! How can I wear a skirt! Chu, these bastards messed up. As our champion I refuse to be humiliated. How can I wear a get-up like this and wave around two kitchen knives?"(***)

"I think this would be perfect for Lucy. Simon always had a good eye for equipment. Look the armor even has fasteners to adjust for her size and growth."(Mrs Thomas)

Even Mrs Thomas who spent most of her life in Frost City could tell that this equipment was at a higher level than those issued to the Military.

"Chu! These things can't fit me!"(***)

"Thank you Elder"(Lucy)

"What the heck? Is no body listing to me?"(***)

The happy voices of the accountants drowned the dissenter.

"Chu we got 1000 gold coins. Dad we are rich again!"(Amanda)

"What?! 1000 gold. Thais a lot of hundreds isn't it? Chu buy me that bead in the store. John that bastard keeps saying I can't afford it! Wait, forget that. Chu fix my armor!"(***)

Mr Thomas slowly emptied the chest's contents amidst the wailing of a teen.

The rest was all books, parchment paper and ink.

"Holy crap! It's the things Chu calls schoolwork! Shit!"

"Oh perfect. Simon got a manual on Hound training. It's the general volume used by Trainers. Dyna this is all yours, whatever you do not understand you can ask me for help. I might remember some things I probably had seen before."

Dyna was nearly toppled over with the large book that buried her in size and thickness. Chu found that the rest of the books covered topics from History to Military training. It was perfect for them to use since they were all general topics and were basic level.

It was looking like they had struck it rich to others, but to Chu they were still in the red.

First, this money was the result of a near death experience. By a fluke of luck they survived. From here it could only be spent until it was gone. Right now their funds were already running low. He had already begun paying for items at the Post.

If he wanted to live a normal farm life it might have lasted. But he was aiming higher, this was a far cry from being enough.

That armor and weapons for Lucy might have been worth just slightly less than 1000 gold. Gold!

This heavy cost factor is what led many in this occupation to an early death. In this world knockoffs and cheap equipment were also available.

Unlike his past world a cheap imitation or product here actually meant the difference between life and death.

'How much would it take to arm them all to that standard?'

This could be considered a gift from Simon to his friend. Chu could not try to milk another man's generosity for his own gains. He would not be the one to break a friendship between blood brothers apart. No favors mean no obligation to anyone.

Slowly but surely he was putting all this to good use. A successful business was not built in a day. His organization would take all the time they had to gain knowledge and experience.

Only then could they step on this world stage.

For now, he had one pressing matter to attend to.



"You stupid idiot! This armor is not for you!"


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