
Finish What You Started

The disappointing meeting with the Evolution Witch concluded shortly after Ves gained a better understanding of what she was like.

The only good outcome of their brief talk was that the god pilot had no immediate use for him at this time.

Aside from telling him to grow his foundation in the Red Collective and make sure he did not do anything scandalous enough to get kicked off the Upper Council, he was free to do what he wanted.

"You should spend your time on designing the Milky Way-compatible Carmine mechs requested by your mother and my old friends." The Evolution Witch dismissively said as she turned around to visually inspect the secure containers shipped over from the old galaxy. "


Ves was weak, huh?

His mother, the Beast of Fear and the Evolution Witch were not necessarily wrong.

He readily acknowledged that he was weak compared to these powerful True Gods.

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