
6th Giant Trapper Division

It gradually dawned on Ves that the 5th round of the lightning tribulation tested the armed forces of the Dominion of Man.

When Ves looked back on the previous battles, he noticed that the rewards for eliminating the lightning soldiers did not benefit the dreadnought all that much.

Less than half of the explosions of destruction and creation energies eventually went on to benefit the nearest hull sections and surface modules.

The remaining energies spilled out into space and dissipated while creating nothing of value.

In contrast, the lightning soldiers felled by the Dread Marines always ended up benefiting the latter to the greatest possible extent.

Very few energies went to waste as the tribulation energies eagerly engulfed all of the Dread Armors in the vicinity.

It was as if the tribulation storm purposefully rewarded the bravery of valiant warriors who resisted its efforts!

Ves was not the only person who noticed these differences.

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