
It’s That Time Again

The worth of a single product could sway an entire company.

That was the power of a good mech design. Ves inwardly grinned as he saw that his gambit had made a lot of progress.

It was not without reason why Ves and Master Decimus Horst had taken their time to design the Supremo Project.

The mech design went through multiple ups and downs as the abrupt transition from the Age of Mechs to the Age of Dawn forced both mech designers to reimagine their original mech concept.

After a lot of hard work, they finally managed to design an excellent second-class heavy artillery mech that was largely made out of Davutan technology and materials.

It was expressly developed to serve the offensive and defensive needs of the Colonial Federation of Davute, but it could easily be just as useful for any other second-rate state!

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