
A Meeting at Bridgehead One

In a location far away from the Bortele System, Bridgehead One had become a hive of activity.

The star system had always seen a lot of traffic, but experienced a sharp decline after its greater beyonder gate turned into a useless metal ring.

Now, one year after the Age of Dawn, the first port of arrival of many red humans flourished yet again.

Its distance from alien space along with the huge reconstruction effort of the greater beyonder gate turned it into the most important stronghold of red humanity!

This was the final bulwark of humanity in the Red Ocean. If Bridgehead One ever fell, then it was likely that the remaining human survivors could only scatter in the darkest corners of the dwarf galaxy in order to preserve their fragile lives.

As the unofficial capital of their greater society, Bridgehead One easily broke the record for hosting the most humans and possessing the largest amount of fortifications.

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