
Festive Homecoming

The return trip proceeded fairly quickly. The Bluejay Fleet did not include any laggards, so the superdrive-equipped warships were all able to enter the Torvald Middle Zone at an impressive speed!

It helped a lot that the faster destroyers were able to generate portals that could instantly bring the slower Tarrasque and other heavier vessels to another location.

Using a daisy chain of portals, the Bluejay Fleet managed to reach the Corellix System in just two days!

Ves felt rather strange and out of place when the Bluejay Fleet emerged out of the final portal.

In a little over a week, his life had completely changed.

He arrived at the conference as a relatively minor and forgettable tier 6 galactic citizen.

He left the conference as the youngest and most impactful tier 3 galactic citizen!

Ves managed to present so many contributions to the Survivalist Faction during the conference that even the highest layers appreciated his work!

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