
Needing A Favor

Master Goldstein eventually ended the call.

"Mr. Jovy Armalon will likely visit you in person after he has completed his intensive program. You will be able to hold a much more thorough discussion about your work and your future once you are able to talk to him face to face. Until then, please control your enthusiasm. The more you show off your inventions, the greater the possibility of attracting alien scrutiny. Although the puelmer race primarily pays attention to first-class organizations, the aliens will notice your work sooner or later. It is best for both of us if they become aware when it is too late for them to prevent their own extinction."

That was as clear of a message as any. Ves dutifully nodded.

"Understood, Master. I do not plan to spread my latest tech too much. I only developed it with my expert mechs in mind. It is not economical to apply my new work to other mechs."

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