
Death or Glory

Ves regretted the creation of the Aspect of Transcendence. He should have never acted upon one of his inspirations and created a fourth organic statue that was meant to isolate and amplify the strongest obsessions of people subjected to its glow.

It would have been a different story if he succeeded in making it work, but so far the cleaning bots had to sanitize the testing chambers so many times that the blood had seeped into their circuits.

Of all of the test subjects that Ves had the pleasure of subjecting to his experiments, he never worked with such a high-quality expert pilot.

There was no doubt that out of every expert pilot in the expeditionary fleet, Patriarch Reginald Cross was undisputedly the most powerful of them all. The resonance meters all hovered at around 55 laveres in the few times he deployed with his Bolvar Rage. This was close to the upper limit of expert pilots and made him eligible to undergo a second evolution.

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