
God or Monster

Ever since he and his mother began to infuse his unborn daughter's body with spiritual energy, he began to develop an interest in how it interacted with biological tissue.

Clearly, there was a stronger relationship between the two than he initially thought. It made sense in a way as the spiritualities of the vast majority of sentient beings were anchored to their bodies and more specifically their brains.

For a long time, he thought that the bond between the two was loose. As long as the brain was sufficiently complex enough to produce a meaningful degree of sentience, the intelligent creature in question was able to gain and activate their spiritual potential.

In all of his theoretical frameworks, Ves based all of his subsequent theories around this simple assumption.

So when Ves encountered a case where his daughter's brain was incredibly underdeveloped yet still managed to reach a point where she gained spiritual potential, something had to give.

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