
Hesserian Bardine

Master Willix didn't appear to be in a hurry to talk about the Amaranto.

After reassuring Ves and the Larkinsons that the MTA was not about to take away their expert mech or retain them as 'permanent guests', everyone relaxed.

While working for the MTA was a dream to many mech designers, none of the four had much appetite to pursue a career in the Association.

Despite the immense wealth and power at the MTA's disposal, the Larkinson mech designers were more than confident that they would be able to climb up to the same height one day.

This especially applied to Ves and Gloriana. The former held a lot of confidence in his unique talents as well as the System. The latter was just confident because she was Gloriana.

The other two Journeymen did not have any thoughts either.

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