
Competitive Mechs

Searching Patricia's quarters turned out to be a fruitless venture.

She brought nothing useful to Ves. What personal effects she left behind largely consisted of clothes and cosmetics.

Of course, she didn't need to bring anything else. She was just supposed to be serving alongside a monitor on behalf of the Coalition Reserve Corps.

This was a fairly boring duty that demanded little of her. Aside from providing Aisling with her insights on the Bright Republic, Patricia did not need to do anything else.

The only meaningful gain he secured was getting a better insight on Patricia.

For some reason, Ves believed that there was a good chance that he would encounter her again in the future.

Though they both came from the same state, they somehow ended up on opposite sides.

While she was just an Apprentice for the time being, the confidence she exuded when she stated that she was steadily working towards Journeyman impressed him a lot!

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