
The Power of Symbiosis

The implications of what he learned about his prior works astonished him. He always entertained the theory, but he never really put much stock into it because of how ludicrous it sounded.

How could his design spirits grow and become stronger by serving as the guardian spirits of his mechs? Was the symbiotic relationship between a mech model and all of the mech pilots using its copies that powerful?

"There has to be a limit, right? Right?"

What if there wasn't a limit? What if continued usage of his mechs kept feeding the design spirits of his mechs?

They grew stronger. And stronger. And stronger. Until they reached a point where their strength had reached an unimaginable height!

Ves scarcely dared to imagine the endpoint of this hypothetical evolution! It sounded blasphemous to consider the possibility that design spirits like Qilanxo would evolve to become an entity equivalent to a god pilot some day!

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