
Bloody Nose

It took some time for Fe Nitaa to reemerge. She changed out her workout clothes for a stiff, formal-looking suit common to bodyguards. Ves knew that her suit was probably padded with a thin layer of armor in order to help her withstand infantry weapon fire.

Her suit might also hide all manner of weapons, from knives to collapsable rifles.

Even if Ves wore his shield generator, he still felt threatened by her proximity. So long as she hadn't pledged to serve him, she would not prioritize his life over hers.

At least that was how it should have been.

"Mr. Larkinson." She spoke with an impassive voice as she bowed in front of him. "My name is Fe Nitaa. I pledge to serve you for all my life until you deem fit to dismiss me. By the ancient customs of the Kinner Tribe, I agree to serve you in a manner befitting my tribe. In return, I hope you treat me with the dignity and respect of a Kinner."


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