
Uphill Battle

Ves emerged from Soapstone's office with a tired but energetic look. In the last three hours, he finally got to meet with Lieutenant Commander Soapstone who apprised him of their logistical situation.

The entire discussion ran on for hours as Soapstone patiently educating him about her own challenges. Most of it was boring and tedious, but Ves forced himself to memorize the points she raised.

In any case, Ves received the answers that he wanted to hear. With Major Verle's approval, she arranged numerous trades with the regional rebel groups that haunted the Venidse, Klein and Hafner duchies.

"Venidse's rebel movement is able to channel most of the resources that you need to us. Mind you, we aren't acquainted with this particular group, and they know that they're our only effective supplier. This means they'll certainly try to take advantage by charging triple of what they're selling while paying a fraction of the valuables we've obtained from the Detemen System."

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