

"Is it ours?" Ves asked as he walked towards the inner base.

"It's doubtful." D'Amato replied as he tried to hurry up. His missing arm disrupted his coordination. "From what little sensors we still have in place that are transmitting back their readings, the fleet is several times larger than the expeditionary fleet at its height. None of the incoming ships are broadcasting any identifiers that we can recognize either."

Could there be a fourth party trying to ruin the third party's game? Or were the sandmen up to no good?

"It's not the sandmen, if that's what you're thinking. They're fairly distinctive even at a distance."

They entered a command center after the guards verified their identities. These days, his contributions extended Ves a lot of privileges including extended access of the base. He even got to meet Commander Tregis in person.

Next chapter