
She Accepts Trader's Challenge.

Robin's gaze was stern as she gazed upon the approaching figure on horseback. As he drew closer, Robin was able to make out from his features that it was a young man. Yet, since he wore a golden mask upon his face, it was not easy to discern much else.

She smiled. Ironically, the two main figures present both were wearing masks.

"...Robin?" Christian asked. He wanted to make sure everything was all right.

Robin didn't look behind her. Instead, she nodded her head minimally to let him know all was still fine. She felt her current calm and collected heart might waver if she looked back now. Instead, she focused her attention on the approaching youth.

He had honey-blonde wavy hair, tanned skin, and a notable height of almost 2 meters. There was no doubt this youth was probably a handsome individual. Robin, however, was unfazed.

From his stature and size, he was an athletic type, similar to how her brother was about six years ago. But she would not forget. She would never forget that within this man was the Trader.

Robin waited until he approached to about thirty feet away before calling out.

"That is close enough, thank you!" His horse came to a stop. He paused, scanning the group. From their placement, it appeared they had prepared in advance, with time to spare.

"It appears you were expecting me." He noted, an odd glint flashing in his eyes. "How could you tell I was coming?"

"Does it matter?" Robin replied, tilting her head with a playful smirk. "At the very least, we are confident that our information was correct. After all, here you are."

"Indeed. Here I am." His horse walked a few steps further.

"I wouldn't suggest you bring your horse any further." Robin warned lightly, hinting that she was aware of the trick he was trying to pull. "Rabbits may be harmless, but their holes can still fell creatures many times their own size."

"Oh? My apologies. I must have loosened the reins." He flashed a smile before he stopped his horse, and decisively dismounted. He examined Robin with an appraising look.

"You are Robin of Ekkinshire, the Hero?"

"I am indeed called that." Robin replied, examining his micro-expressions through half-lidded eyes. Appearances aside, there was something about his mannerisms that seemed almost jarringly familiar.

"You are the Trader? Or are you merely another copy?...Ah, so you are the original. Good to know." The others looked at Robin in surprise. How could she ascertain it?

"It seems you are a man of many talents." The Trader said slowly. Robin's smirk widened into a mischievous grin.

"You could say that." She agreed. It seemed that even the Trader couldn't see through her disguise. Robin felt the situation somewhat laughable.

"I have heard that you are a brilliant swordsman." The Trader said, exuding a youthful enthusiasm. However, his eyes shone with a hungry, predatory gaze. "Would you care to allow me the privilege of having a spar with you?"

Robin recalled for a moment that she had yet to give Christian his promised spar. But now was not the proper time for it. And so, she could only set the thought aside for later.

"You wish to spar with me?" She asked.

"Any proper youth would cherish such an opportunity to spar with the Hero himself!" The Trader asserted with a grin.

"It seems even the improper ones are stumbling over themselves to spar with me." Robin noted, removing her sword from its planted spot on the ground. Her observation sent Chelsea and Jasmine into muffled chortles, as she had hit the nail on the head.

Then Robin raised her head. "But, coincidentally, it seems that you and I are in agreement on this matter."

She walked forward to a midpoint area, and waved her sword about. A wind blade shot forth, drawing a circle about her that was about 15 feet in diameter. Then, standing in the center, she pointed her sword at him.

"Do you dare spar with me?" Her voice rang out. Even though her voice was rather low for a woman, as it was higher than a man's, it made it hard to discern her exact age. Thus, those who encountered her, simply thought of her as a lad at first impressions.

Yet this time, Robin had used air mana to change the frequency of her voice. So now her voice had a low timbre to it, like the rumble of thunder. This caused the Trader to pause a moment. However, it seemed his desire was enough to overcome any feelings of fear or prohibition.

He unsheathed his sword.

"I dare." He said, stepping into the ring.


Back in Port Oracle, a lone figure sat in a darkened room, gazing at the images transmitted through the crystal ball.

"So it has begun...." Oracle sighed. He then began to exert his power, reinforcing Chelsea's shield through the connection between the two crystals.


"...Older Brother" Chelsea murmured in surprise as she felt her brother's power begin to course through the shield.

"Hmm? What was that?" Liam asked, looking at Chelsea.

"My brother is watching this fight." Chelsea told Liam. "That means its significance is great, and the result could change the fate of the whole country, if not the whole world."

"Your brother?" Liam asked.

"Mmn. He gained human form first, and is far more powerful than I." Chelsea explained.

"How envious.... I have no idea whether I even have a family or not." Liam replied with a sigh.

"This fight will determine the fate of the entire world, and here you are sighing in envy over my family?" Chelsea chuckled. "You are an odd one aren't you?"

"What is the world, that I should care?" Liam asked. "The world doesn't matter to me as much as friends and family. It is because we are friends, that I am watching Robin's fight. If it were anyone else, then I would not care for it."

"What if it were me up there?" Chelsea asked with a cheeky smile.

"Then I would not be watching..." Liam said, after considering seriously.

"Hey!" Chelsea reacted, feeling slighted. Did he really not consider her as even a friend?

"...I would be standing in front of you as your sword and shield." Liam finished, with a lazy smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, satisfied after having teased her.

"Robin can naturally defend against swords, but you are far too lacking in martial experience and hand-to-hand combat." He explained.

"Oh, you!...Hmmph!" Chelsea turned her head, feeling miffed when she realized that he was teasing her.

Oracle, seeing this, felt a bit dumbfounded. 'I'm here to watch the fight of the century. Not to watch you two getting cozy!' He turned his attention back to the ring.


Both Robin and the Trader silently stood in the ring. Keith could see they were sizing each other up. Surprisingly, the Trader seemed to have lost in the exchange. Robin had no openings. Thus, he could only hazard forward and seize the initiative of attack to test her defenses.

He suddenly leapt forward, a hacking slash aimed at her mask. She perfectly blocked his strike, diverting it harmlessly off to the side. Then he followed up with a flurry of quick blows, all aimed towards the mask on her head.

All of a sudden, he switched targets to her legs, hoping to take her off guard. But she blocked it all the same. Then she followed with a counterswipe towards his own mask, causing him to leap back to avoid the blow.

This was the first time Robin had struck out, and she did not come up empty. A small scratch had appeared on his chin, and a few strands of honey-brown hair gleamed as it drifted down to the ground in the mild breeze.

Silence descended for a moment. The ringing from the clash of swords still resounded in everyone's ears. But it did not last long.

Robin and the Trader both leapt at each other, striking out, dodging, deflecting, clashing. Yet neither intended to retreat.

"You are indeed a brilliant swordsman!" the Trader said in admiration.

"You aren't bad yourself." Robin replied bluntly. She was aware that he was not using all of his abilities. Even though they seemed to be seriously fighting each other, he was still probing, and she was limiting her movements to match him.

"You seem quite calm." He noted.

"We are sparring after all, right?" Robin smirked, and her eyes narrowed slyly. She knew full well that this was anything but a spar.

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