
She Goes Out to Play

After everyone was in the midst of merriment as they enjoyed the stew, Robin excused herself, and retired to her room. There, she changed into different clothes. Then she removed her mask, and adjusted her hairstyle. Making sure to become as unnoticeable as possible, she quietly made her way past the front desk and out the door.

She had been sitting in a carriage the whole day, and desired nothing more than to stretch her legs. A quick walk around town would do her some good.

Robin hummed to herself as she glanced around. There should be an adventurers guild around here, somewhere, right? If a guild was available even in a small town like Kinsward, then a larger commercial town wouldn't be lacking in one.

The sun was setting on the horizon, painting the sky a blazing red color.

Robin decided to walk down the main street, in the direction she hadn't been. She was quite sure that the Guild hadn't been on the stretch of road they had already passed in the carriage. So, it must be in this direction.

As a precaution, she had wrapped the pommel and handguard of her sword with some old cloth. She also covered the shiny embellishments on the sheath with a torn sack. It would do no good to be recognized simply by the blade she carried.

There were still quite a few people here and there, in the street. There were people coming in from working on the fields, as well as shopkeepers going home for dinner. It seemed that, just like in Europe, the people had something closr to a nightlife involved.

There were also night shops setting up: several bars and brothels, to be exact. Robin steered VERY clear of the brothels. She had no tolerance for such things.

It was at that point that she felt her sword vibrate and tug.


Close to a nearby alleyway, two thugs were quietly advancing upon an unsuspecting young girl who was dumping rubbish in a fire pit. Both were skinny, with hardly a single identifying feature on them, their faces covered by rags. The young girl appeared to be around nine or ten years old, with light brown hair that gleamed golden in the light of the sunset.

As her load was quite heavy, she had used magic to lighten the load. And,now that the job was finished, she paused, wanting to rest a bit before heading back.

The hairs on the back of her head all of a sudden stood straight up, right as a hand covered her mouth, and locked her arms behind her back. She tried to yell and kick, but her legs were quickly seized by the other thug. The two chuckled with delight.

"This is the fifth one we've managed to snatch. Trader will be pleased." One of the thugs chuckled.

The girl's eyes went wide.

Slavery was illegal in Ekkinshire kingdom. But, there was a widespread illegal ring of slave kidnappers in the kingdom. Upon several occassions, kidnappers had been caught in action. Yet, the leader's identity was a complete mystery. However,it was well known that he went by the alias of 'Trader' in other kingdoms. If the girl was caught by Trader's men, she would never be seen or heard from again.

"Hey, she knows magic. Get out the inhibitor potion." The other thug growled.

"Oh, right." The man took his hand off the girl's mouth to grab the potion. It was a moment of absentmindedness that the thug would soon regret.

"HELP ME! KIDNAPPE-" The girl's mouth was quickly muffled again.

"I can't grab it. My hands are full." The thug growled in annoyance.

"Well my hands are full here, too! You shoulda given it to her before you occupied both yer hands!" the other one snorted.

Tears began to stream from the girl's eyes. 'Someone!...Anyone! Please save me!'

"Perhaps I could be of assisstance?" A voice came from behind them.

"Sure, just grab the potion, it's in my pocket." the thug replied. Then both thugs froze as they realized someone else was there.

"Ah, I wasn't actually talking to you." Came an explanation.


A moment later, they both toppled over sideways with the girl, knocked unconscious by a cloth-wrapped sword inside its sheath.

"Whoops!" Robin grabbed the girl before she hit the ground. "Are you all right?" The girl wailed loudly, sobbing, as she grabbed a tight hold of Robin.

Robin could only hold her and pat her head, as she carried the sobbing girl several meters away from the knocked out men.

"It's all right, now. You're okay."

Robin murmered to the girl who couldn't manage to stop crying. Finally, after a few minutes, the girl managed to calm down enough to speak between hiccuping sobs.

"They were going to-hic- to take me to Trader, and -boo hoo- turn me into a slave!" She cried, disolving once more into a mess of tears.

"Nonsense! Nothing of the sort will happen now that I am here." Robin replied, confidently.

But, inside her chest, a smouldering hot fire was being stoked. Was there still slavery in Ekkinshire kingdom? If there was, then she really needed to talk to King Zephron... But... If slavery wasn't allowed, then why were these two men doing such things here?

It was good that the sun had already set. If the little girl had been able to see her rescuer's ice cold eyes, then Robin might have frightened her to death. Robin was both disgusted and incenced. She would most definitely get down to the bottom of things.

Magic lamps began to light up the main streets, and alleyways. flickering lights inside the houses showed that cooking fires and lamps were being lit.

Robin blinked, and buried the red hot fire under a comforting smile as she took out a handkerchief for the girl to wipe her eyes. "Here, dry your eyes. Is your home close by? Can you see it from here?" She asked.

The young girl nodded, and pointed at a sturdy-looking house with a back door.

"I want you to run straight to that house, and get inside. Bar the door until one of your parents gets home. Don't come out no matter what you hear, okay?" Robin said.

"...But what about the wheelbarrow?" The girl asked.

"I'll return it later. Big Si-Big Brother, here, needs to haul these two bad guys to the jail in a bit. And you can keep that handkerchief for big bro until I return, Okay?" Robin smiled at the little girl.

"Okay!" The girl sniffed, wiping the tears off her face.

"Now, go!" Robin urged her, and the young maiden fled to her house as if demons were after her. Robin watched the girl until she disappeared inside, heaving a sigh.

But then she heard two thwacks behind her. She whirled about just in time to see the two thugs falling down once more. They dropped behind her, knives slipping from their hands.

Behind the two thugs, Christian and Keith were standing. Their sheathed swords had created quite the concussions for the kidnappers. The thugs wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

"You two? But how-?"Robin asked.

"You didn't think your disguise would fool me again, did you, Robin?" Christian laughed smugly. "I knew it was you the moment you passed by us. Simply changing your hairstyle won't work anymore! But, where were you heading to after sunset?"

Robin's clenched hand had slowly unclenched itself as Robin drew in a breath, giving up. "I was just stretching my legs for a bit, and thought to check the adventurers guild for any quests I might be able to finish on the way, like deliveries and such."

She glanced down at the thugs. "Who would've known that I'd hear a call for help, and run into these two in the middle of a kidnapping?"

"A kidnapping? Why would anyone kidnap a mere villager?" Christian asked.

Robin paused, then looked seriously at the two. "Let me ask you something: is slavery legal in Ekkinshire Kingdom?"

"What? No, it's very much illegal. Ever since my great great grandfather's time, slavery has been forbidden by law." Christian instantly denied.

"Well.." Robin glanced down at the two thugs thoughtfully. "The girl said that they were going to take her to some trader person to be sold as a slave."

"Did you say, Trader?" Keith's eyes grew sharp as he stared at the shameless brigands. "Looks like we were right not to kill these two. They are in for quite the time with the Royal Interrogator."

He looked at Robin. "Would you allow us to handle this case? Don't worry, they will pay exceedingly for their crimes."

Robin nodded.

"Of course! You are the local authorities. But..." She glanced at the two thugs. "I would be more relieved to know that they were already completely secured with no chance of being rescued by any brothers."

"I can assure you that they will reach the capitol by tomorrow morning." Keith said as he secured their arms in metal stocks that he drew from a much smaller pouch.

'Keith has a magic bag, too.' Robin realized.

Keith then lifted up both men, like they were potato sacks. "Follow me." Keith said. "The soldiers barracks are close by the adventurers guild. We can report everything to the captain there, before you go finish your business."

"Wait a minute!" Robin quixkly ran the wheelbarrow back next to the girl's house. As she ran back, dusting her hands off, she grinned. "Okay, I'm ready!"

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