
Traitor Part 4

Her words silenced them again in shock. All eyes turned to Bina who was frozen in place. They knew in order to anger Kyera, The Jackal's eldest son must have done something rather interesting but no one dreamed he would break this law. That the Jackals would chance another Great Hunt of their kind. There was nothing anyone could say but watch as Kyera smoothed her dress and folded her arms at them.

"I wanted to handle this privately since it would blacken the Jackal clan's name if it wasn't properly investigated first, but it seems that Bina wanted answers immediately." Kyera replied turning to bring her gaze to the still frozen Bina. "The Eldest son of the Jackal clan and 3 of his men were dressed as Royal Guard and I asked them to let me pass. They did not. He called me by name, aware of who I was and he chose to raise his claws to me over a child." she simplified events, as the Elders slowly put hte situation together. It fit her character. Why had they doubted her?

"But… Kyera you… why... " Bina tried to form a sentence as tears began to fall from her eyes. Her delicate womanly form suddenly looked fragile in the eyes of the onlookers. Kyera felt a small amount of pity for the girl. She lost her brother to his own arrogance then fell prey to the black taint of revenge.

"Binia, I did not intend to kill your brother. I will admit it is partially my fault. I should have found a way to run instead of face them down but after the number of laws they broke, and they had no intention of letting me live to report what they had done. He made his bed, and someone tripped you into it." Kyera explained to her honestly, there was a certain amount of gentleness in her eyes. Bina's hands clenched into fists as she looked away, unable to face her.

"What were their offenses?" A elderly man asked, stepping forward. He was much older than Daxin, probably close to late 80s. Kyera bowed her head to him in resect, the Ears of a owl on his head, feathers scattered through his white and black streaked hair. He was the elder of the Sky Dwellers, the birds of the Shape shifter kind. He was eldest and wisest, having sat upon the council at his father's side when the laws had been written.

If anyone would know the severity of the crimes, Werol would be the one to ask. He had taught Kyera in her youth, but also knew the way things could change. People would add to the law through word of mouth, but none of it was enforced because it was not true. His pride was in knowing the true laws and upholding them to protect the people. When justice was called for, he would be asked to oversea, or at least judge if the punishment fit the crime. This time death was the result, and he sorely hoped that the crimes warranted such a harsh punishment.

"First, they Kidnapped a child from the humans, a royal no less. It says in law no child shall shall suffer for the parent's foul deeds. Second, they ignored the hierarchy of the law, I am a Tiger, and a member of the council and head of my pack. The Law States that no head of clan may be questioned or impeded about their duties unless challenged by another head of house. Elder Jackal is still with us." Kyera began to explain the lengthy charges and settled into a warriors stance. One hand gripping the other wrist and her feet shoulder length apart. The wind caressed her hair and swept over her body as she continued her duty. The elder Jackal cleared his throat and she waited, watching him expectantly.

"My Grandson was given the power of head of house last night. Therefore he had every right to question Miss Shadow of the Moon." The Jackal's words were almost too convenient. Kyera raised an eyebrow and glanced toward Daxin and Verone who both shared the same looks of quiet skepticism. Changing head of household was not a easy thing to do, you would have to think on it, discuss it with others of the tribe. It was a decision that could break a nation… not one of the three could find a reason to place a hot head like that as head of a house more or less a clan.

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