

Two weeks has passed after the New Year celebration and no news came from the school about the training but everything is short live. A week after, all freshmen students are asked to enter the huge mansion near the mountains. They saw a wide white screen and beside it is a man in white.

"Good morning, ladies and gents. Welcome! today marks the day, among you would be chosen to be part of something great or not. As part of our process in knowing your capability and adaptability all are going though a virtual test." The man stop speaking and left them.

The screen showed the floor map of the place and different colored blinking dots. Each 5 different colors are scattered, 3 are in the forest and the rest are inside the mansion.

"As you can see on the screen each of you are given your own color code ring. Which means you are to go on your designated color area and wait for further instructions." The speaker announced.

"Well then, we got different colors. We better separate and look for the place then. Ana, I think your inside the mansion and we will be outside. Be safe sis." Art told her sister before leaving with Akira. Some students started to look for someone to pair with before going to their designated area, while the rest walk on their own.

Analyze walk inside and found her designated room after 20 minutes and entered together with the rest of the group. The place was with high ceiling of almost 20 feet, and the room has a circular structure having a 16 meters in diameter. It was designed to have mirrors all around the room except the ceiling with a dome shape appearance and floor covered with marble stones. Their were no windows but it was well lit.

"Good! everyone are here, these place is your first trial. If you pass you will be directed to the next 4 stations, if you fail you will be directed to the school ground. Are their any questions?" A woman asked.

"What if we fail in our next station, are we also disqualified?" One student asked.

"Yes, you have to pass all areas. This place would test your mental state or your mind. Are everyone ready?" She asked them.

"YES!" all of them answered in unison.

The lady left them after asking all to face the mirrors in the room. Once she was out using the speaker she told them to touch the mirror with their left hand. One by one everyone started falling asleep or unconscious. The operators then started sending each student information, and specific activity then put them in a real-life situations.

Analyze was still in the stage remembering all the information they were sending, then the first activity came in. She was ask to answer as much as many questions related to the info given. These questions were not mathematical or any academic/ university level information rather, it comprises instructions from simple technologies to advance artillery, building floor plans and escape plans. They have to remember information and respond to questions in relation to the subject matter. After 30 mins she starts to feel exhausted and miss 40% of the questions but the test still went on. In less then 30 mins. all of them woke up and found themselves still facing the mirror.

"Welcome back everyone, those who pass would now have a different color in their rings. If it didn't change we are asking you to come this way. Good luck for the rest if you." The woman said. Analyze waited to see if she pass, she didn't have to wait long she saw her ring change in color, and followed the next area. The room across the first was the next place, this time the door was made out of pure silver. It was too heavy to be opened by just one person. So everyone waited outside for instructions.

"Hello students, Congratulations. Behind this door is your next test. Your test is simple, you are to enter 4 at a time and have to finish the task in 15 minutes or less. Welcome to our own arena and this will test your capability to fight. The only weapon you are to use are what you are born with."

The first pair entered after an hour 1/3 of the group was asked to go in, this continued until She entered with 3 other student and notice that the door is mechanically operated from the inside. Both were asked to stand in their own specific spot and a wall divided them, now Ana was on her own.

"The task is this: you are just going to defend yourself from what or whoever is your opponent. Remember just defend no attacking. We determine if you pass or not.

A few seconds a person entered with a mask on its face. They both start circling each other until it attack her right arm which she almost got herself hit, she made a sidestep then went to its opponent's back. The opponent didn't stop but created a continuous attack targeting her neck, knees, and spine. She continued to stop all the attacks and felt her body getting tired and her focus waver and miss the hit to her chest, knocking out her breath but able to prevent herself to be hit in the head by rolling over and stood up coughing. Her opponent started attacking her again but before it could hit, she meet him and bend on her knees, reach his shoulder and just push him at the back before he could counter act. Then a bell rings and that signals the end of her match, She just sat on the floor to exhausted to move. Another door opened and she started walking. Inside it is a hallway with chairs and the rest of those who entered ahead of her were there. They all waited until everyone were done and Ana notice 8 people were not with them.

They were given something to drink since the next station would be longer and they will need to be hydrated.


Akira left Arthur after 30 minutes of hiking because he has to walk on a pathway while Arthur has to travel another half an hour walk. Once akira reached the bottom of the mountain, their were other people who reached it.

"Hello everyone, we are going to go underground for your first task. For everyone's information, each of you has to pass all 5 stations you will be tested to. Once we reach the place you all would know what is the task all about. Now follow me." A middle-aged woman greeted them. All followed her and entered the mouth of a cave going down, reaching 25 ft. below see level. They reach the end, it was ice cold, the light along the walls were covered with icicles. Some started shivering except for the lady.

"We are testing your endurance in extreme weather or temperature conditions. These would be heavy storm, hot, cold, windy, sandy, underwater, and others. Now! all stand near the wall and face me. Remember that this is just virtual, but you are going to feel it: the pain, being wet, cold, perspire, sticky and others but no outward damage to your body. Let us start the test." The lady explained, and after everyone are positioned the first weather came.

Akira started to feel warmer and warmer making him perspire because of high temperature, he tried to relax himself to minimize uncomfortable situation. Then he felt water covering him so he took a deep breath, this time he does not know how long it took before he started to feel dizzy due to lack of oxygen. After a few seconds to recover strong wind and water hit him, followed by very cold temperature and a very strong water falling down on him, he can even hear the water hitting below. He shivered but tried to focus on breathing and to keep standing. Four more different setting was given to them and took more than an hour to complete. By lunch time the group were walking back to the surface. Like everyone else, Akira, wanted to to stay near the trees were it was cooler. After eating their lunch their rings change in color and they all left for the next station.


Arthur also reached the lighthouse, an old man was standing infront the door together with all the rest of the students who came ahead.

"Good morning, welcome to your first test. Before anything else, this is 1 out of the 5 task you are all going through. You have to pass all 5, if not you are disqualified and will be asked to go back in the school ground. This is the chance for each of you to show how skilled you are in using a weapon. Scattered around in this place are different kinds, shape, and sizes of weapon. Choose 1 or 2 and choose wisely. The only instruction is to reach the top of this lighthouse."

All started picking a weapon, Arthur choose a dagger and cross bow. For some reason, no available advance weapon like gun. Some started walking up the stairs by the time all of them reach halfway, the first obstacle came in a form of an oily subtance on the stairs and without warning the stairs flattened. Half of them came down the rest are able to find a way to use their weapon of choice to stay. As for Arthur his dagger was useful for him to hit on the ground... before the stairs are back again. Other than oil, they were asked to hit 3 targets, then choose from the animals scattered to carry them to the top, once they reach the top they have to fight an opponent, lastly to enter the door with the right password to reach the viewing deck of the lighthouse.

All of the qualified students went through all the test, are asked to to return the next day for the last part of the test. As for the three they were to exhausted to talk and just went to their dorms.

The next day, the last test was about teamwork, they were randomly grouped and they are task to enter the mountain with limited tools and necessities. Inside they are to complete the tasks given to them as a team before they are allowed to go back on tha base. A map is provided for them and must be completed in 24 hours.

Overall almost 2/3 of the entire freshmen was accepted as qualified to be trained. They went through an oath ceremony that no one is allowed to talk about, and they all received a totem. A totem that signifies 3 things: who they are to the school, their character and their signature.

Arthur - Eagle

Analyze - pheonix

Akira - Lion with crow wings (chimera)

Any suggestions is needed and appreciated. THANK YOU

Also, to those who watch GRIMM series I did not get the idea from there. I started writting this before they release the TV series. thanks

Riesilvercreators' thoughts
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