

I must have been in an odd pause for at least ten minutes, luckily time was still frozen.

"Well then? Do you?" It asked me again

"You have the power. You always have." It stated.

"Ahh I know, you haven't learned to speak yet in such a form."

It was right, no matter how hard I tried my voice never rang out. I had so much I wanted to ask him but I was still unable to speak.

"I know, this would be much easier if you were just in your normal form." He stated. I was shocked, I had thought that this was the only form I could have while dead. Of course being a soul was the only thing we were told that we could be when would move to the other world.

"Here I will show you." Said the spirit. It transformed in a burst of light, revealing its true form. It was at this moment I saw death. With his masculine body I could tell he could have been human at one time. His body was just a skeleton with his chest cavity exposed showing his ribcage. He dawned a cowl around his neck, of course being black, with a sash covering where his eyes would be. He had linen black pants that had some odd crossed symbol on them.

My initial thoughts were to be terrified of this sight, but still I felt the warmth of his soul, I rest assured of his pureness. Without much pause I transformed as well, unknowing of how I did so. I was still wearing my silver knight armor. My red cape turned to pieces from the battle I just had with the enemy general, and of course the huge gash that had been inflicted into my chest from his sword.

"Hmm, interesting. You kept your body. I can smell the slight amount of fear protruding from you. It must be due to my appearance, but you should be relieved to know that I am not an average soul. I am a reaper." He explained.

" I am still not understating exactly is happening here." I told the reaper.

"Well, I had a suspicion that another of my kind would be born today." He told me.

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