
A small request for protection

Going back some time ago…

Before the giant corpse began to roar and begin the final phase of the event.

Liu Yang was sitting next to Little White while talking to Rose, and since Little Thorns did not respond to his messages, Liu Yang could only imagine what had happened to her.

"Big sister, could you do a little favor for this little brother?" Liu Yang asked innocently.

"Little brother, what did you do to the little sister?" Rose asked in a curious tone, she had never seen Little Thorns so distracted before. One thing Rose knew, she understood that something very good happened between Liu Yang and Little Thorns.

"Big sister, that's…" Liu Yang was a little embarrassed by that question, he wouldn't tell Rose that they kissed again, but this time, the kiss was more passionate and hot than last time.

"Hehehe… Little brother, this older sister here is very happy that the little brother has not refused the younger sister's advances. And from what I can see, the younger brother also made his advances over the younger sister. "Rose was speaking with an amused tone, which showed that Little Thorns was by her side as they talked.

"Big sister…" Little Thorns' soft but embarrassed voice was heard from the other side. Liu Yang could only scratch his nose at that.

"Little brother, are you listening to this? The younger sister is very embarrassed about what happened to both of you… Little brother, tell me: what happened to both of you? "Rose kept asking funnily, even though she didn't need to know about it, she was still curious about the subject.

"Big sister, can we talk about this alone later?" Liu Yang said with a shy tone, he had his plans on that subject.

The other side didn't respond for a while, it happened because Rose and Little Thorns didn't realize that Liu Yang would say those words that had a strange meaning.

"Little brother, this big sister will talk to you when the event is over. But when that happened, I want to know everything and everything about what happened. Is that okay? " Rose was very specific about what she wanted.

"Okay, I accept that" Liu Yang answered casually, though he had his thoughts when he answered that question.

"Since the younger brother has promised, this older sister will accept the younger brother's request. So, little brother, what do you want the big sister to do? "Rose was curious to hear about Liu Yang's request.

"Big sister, could you give me some protection, or your little sister, Little Flower?"

"Little brother, could you be a little bit more specific about what you want?" Rose wondered what Liu Yang wanted, she just understood that he needed some kind of protection.

"Big sister, the situation is as follows…" Liu Yang began to explain about the things that have happened on the battlefield so far.

Liu Yang talked about the things he did during the phases of the event and how he managed to survive to the end.

In phase zero, Liu Yang walked away from all groups and prefer fighting alone against the elite corpses along with Little White. Luckily, the other players were thinking that he was a very influential group by being alone and defeating and purifying the corpses. This was because, in the minds of the young and inexperienced, those who could fight elite monsters had influential backgrounds. Because of this kind of thinking, no one intruded on players like Liu Yang.

In the first phase, Liu Yang continued the same way, he was far from the others and continued to fight against the elite corpses, but there was much more difficult than before because of the increased levels in the corpses. Fortunately, Liu Yang had several life-saving items with him, in the end, he managed to survive the trial.

The real problem started in the second phase because the levels of the corpses were already too high and Liu Yang could no longer fight, and the only thing he could do was follow Rose's advice: Run.

During the second phase, Liu Yang only had to run like an idiot back and forth while seeking protection from other influential groups. He never asked for healing or anything, the only thing Liu Yang did was to lure the corpses toward these groups so they could defeat and purify.

Since the leaders of these groups did not know Liu Yang's identity or background, they left things as it were, for in their minds it was better not to have a friend, but much better not an enemy. So Liu Yang was not attacked because of the things he was doing, on the contrary, the leaders of these groups thanked Liu Yang internally for the action he was doing. In return, he still received and heal and buff from the healers.

This scene continued until the fifth phase, which was where Liu Yang was at the moment.

After briefly listening to Liu Yang's narration about things that happened, the two girls standing side by side were surprised by this.

The two never imagined that Liu Yang had gone through all these difficulties and still make it to the end. They were taking into consideration the fact that he was only level 100 and had no class. These two facts have made his situation much more difficult than usual.

To be able to do that, Liu Yang had to have much more than skill, he was lucky, because the minds of the inexperienced young were very simple.

Rose and Little Flower congratulated Liu Yang on making it through to the end.

After thinking a little about Liu Yang's situation, Rose understood why Liu Yang was asking for some help.

"Little brother, wait a minute, I'll talk to the little sister."

"Little brother, you can go to the little sister, she is with her group. You just have to stand still and do nothing, I already gave her the instructions."

"Big sister, thanks for the help" Liu Yang was happy with this situation.

"Little brother, you managed to exceed this big sister's expectations, treat it like a small gift." Rose was speaking honestly, Liu Yang's exploits surpassed Rose's imagination.

"Big sister, did you get the gift I sent?" Liu Yang

"What gift?" Rose wondered about that.

"Ask another big sister about this… Big sister, I have to hang up, the boss will start its activities already." Liu Yang was embarrassed when he talked about the gift he had given Rose.

"Little brother, good luck. I hope you surprise me again "Rose sent the last message before hanging up the chat.

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