
Cyber World Alpha

Author: Indiboy
Ongoing · 12.5K Views
  • 1 Chs
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People said the world would be destroyed in 2012. The Internet was in chaos, movies were made and then 2012 passed. People ignored the prophecy as a joke and continued with their life. Little do they know what really aspired.

Chapter 1Prologue

It was a sunny day. Vikas woke up, wore his sleepers and got up to get ready for college classes in the morning.

It was yet another peaceful day.

In a few minutes he had already bathed and was sitting next to table waiting for breakfast.

His dad, Sagar, came rushing with a pan in his hand and quickly poured out some delicious smelling curry in the small bowl on the table. Vikas took out some chapatis from the Chapati Box and started eating his breakfast.

His dad had returned from kitchen with a plate in his hands. He too sat down to have his breakfast nect to Vikas. With a smile on his face, Sagar asked Vikas, "How are your preparations for this exam?". Vikas replied, "Good".

Sagar asked, "This is your last exam, Congratulations ! You could get a job in a few months... then you would have to probably go to somewhere far from home ... you would rarely see me again... Sigh!"

"No dad, Don't worry... Haha"

Vikas was smiling at his dad's usual jokes.

He and his dad lived together in a bungalow in New Delhi, India. His Dad was a computer engineer by profession and worked for some multinational company. Vikas didn't remember the name of that company, but the pay was really good. 25 Lakh ₹ per annum... that was quite nice for a family of two.

Vikas' mom had died in some accident when he was just a child. since then, it was his dad who took care of him. Feeding him, sending him to school, going to parent teacher meetings, praising his son in front of neighbors. Vikas' dad was an amazing father.

Vikas looked at the wall clock. It was 8 AM .

Time to leave for college. He stood at the Bus stop as his college's Bus stopped and then he got in. He found an empty seat at the back, opened his bag, took out a book and started studying.


At night, Doorbell rang and Sagar came home. He was greeted by Vikas. Sagar changed into regular clothing and sat next to his son.

"I got to tell you something"

"What dad?"

" I got transferred to USA. They gave me a promotion and my salary is going to be raised to 50K$ per year"

"Wow, thats amazing!"

"But I got to leave in 2 days."

"so soon?"

"Yeah... They urgently need my expertise (smug)"

Vikas smirked..

"Then lets have dinner outside at restaurant tonight!"

"I don't think so... I wanted to eat something Cooked by You today..."

"Haha , Sure dad...."

Vikas went to Kitchen and made a sumptuous dinner for both. The lights were on till 1AM and laughs could be heard even outside the home.


Few days had passed since Sagar had went to New York, USA.

Vikas was looking at the TV news channel.

As he was changing the channel , he noticed a breaking news about a terrorist blast.

A Company called Future Tech's Main office in New York was bombed an hour ago. 50 casualties had been confirmed. As the victims photo's were being shown. Vikas saw something heart breaking.

His dad was one of the victims in the Blast. He died!

Tears started pouring down his eyes.

An hour later, he got a call from some unknown number from USA. It was a call from his Dad's company. He was told about his dad's death and that he would be given some remuneration by company. The caller tried to console Vikas as he was crying.


Few more days passed.

Vikas was standing in front of an apartment building. His dad's flat was on 12th floor.

He was in New York , USA right where his dad stayed after getting transferred.

He entered the flat and just sat on the sofa.

There was a photo frame on the wall. Vikas looked at it and smiled blankly.

A minute later, doorbell rang and a man with black suit entered the flat. He talked with Vikas about some company formalities and left. Vikas closed the door and looked at that portrait on the wall. He walked over and took it off the wall. As he was looking at the portrait suddenly the portrait started floating from his hands and he felt a slight vertigo before he appeared in an unfamiliar room. The room was pitch black. Suddenly light came from above and a man appeared in front of Vikas.

He was his father!

Vikas' eyes started tearing looking at the look alike of his father.

The man looked at Vikas and smiled.

"Hey Buddy.... You already miss me?

it's only been 12 days since i died. This is just a leftover AI programmed to give you my inheritance.

What you know about me is half true and half false. It's time that you know the truth. You are in Danger!"

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Table of Contents
Volume 1