

Hhmmmmm..... whooooo.... the CPU cooler and the room cooler went in rhythm as if both were soulmates.

It was hot outside, so I was I my room studying on my computer. As if, like always I was on my computer- I mean life support device I mean like the ones in hospitals right.

Click..login...game starts ...continue game ....*ping*

I spawned at the town of bandits. Going along the mini-map I reached the trailers portal, you know the thing that is used so that time is saved‚ oh sorry the one used other travel long distances in the game world.

Anyways as I used the travelers portal to head to the goblins forest and a warrior guy sent me a party request, can you believe it, I am infamous in the game as someone who PK'S and was called the crazed pk devil, so either he must be a newbie which I don't want him to be or some easy target that was short on his info. And so without hesitation, I accepted his party request to screw him off and rob some player items.

When I reached the gob forest he followed my avatar, and I led him to the goblin spawning grounds. There I started defeating goblins and picking their drops like items and gold, Whenever the warrior's hp went low I helped him once in a while to recover once I felt like he had no HP potion left. I typed 'follow me' and sent it to him with *ping*.

"He hehe" Oops my bad

Then I lead him through a secret pass that I discovered not long ago. The goblin forest was a location for 100-120 level players but this secret area had level 150 monsters and the boss was lvl 170.

"hehe" as soon as we reached the midpoint in the map, just as excepted goblin warriors <lvl 160> ambushed us along with some goblin daggermen <lvl 140> at their backs. All through the goblin warriors were strong they were slow, so that chicken of a party member got a chance and left running but fortunately the goblin dagger men were both fast and long ranged and they did what they had to and finished him off.

"hahaha, another poor fool done in by me."

"hou what might he have dropped?"

I used a swirl bash that caused the goblins to be stunned then the finishing touch"lightning chain".


I got up and reached to his corpse and looted his bag.

'You might be thinking that I am cruel and heartless and merciless, but actually, I am very much a shy and weak gir-- I mean heaven-defying lifeform.

Whatever the year in the current calendar is 2018 pretty much the same as it is in your world.'

"How do I know? I guessed."

"The world has improved gaming to the next level, and just like games where lvl 1 is easier than lvl 100 the new next level gaming is too overwhelmingly hard."

"I mean they combined platform games with arcade and console and PC and virtual reality in one. And it isn't all in one but buy it all."

"And now when I want to play or anyone wants to play they got to buy everything from console to PC to VR gear to arcade thingies. And you think you got it tough just because you got to build a PERSONAL GAMING COMPUTER. Don't think that we can do with just one and that the company will suffer, as they will have a lot of dissatisfied customers."

"Nope, the government pays the company according to the ratings of the games and the one that gives the ratings is an AI. That very much doesn't even need the gear to play"

"eeee....Ahh..you...a boss battle‚ you got me distracted now I ain't talking with you anymore bi'bye!"

'Uhh... the arcade ...yes take that yes... huh!! 30 sec to change to PC, Oh!'

I turned my chair to the computer and hit some keys y ...s... r... m, combo magic spell "lighting blast" activated.

"Oh no !!!! MP low.. MP potion ...yes! whew !!!!"

"Oh no !!!!! change to VR "

I hurriedly wore my visor, my gloves, etc and the game started. Bang I immediately shot a "fire ball" as soon as the game unpaused, then approached the boss and jumped on his back, faster than one can say 'out of stockings'. Then what happened next went like:

"sword break"... BOOM "world of swords"!!!!"sword rain"!!!!.The boss screamed "rhoooo" then I caught its neck than with a twist and pull and its head came 'pop' and the spine along with intestine and blood came spurting out from the neck.

"whew oh it dropped something"

I picked it up and kept it in my inventory, then to check what it was I turned to the PC.

It was ☆☆☆☆star rare equipment named raganok's dagger. It was pretty much lame as compared to other ☆☆☆☆star or even ☆☆☆star equipment but it had the ability to ignore defense up to some condition and remove"sleep"debuff on the user.

"I think, I might have thought enough for this chapter, right? oh.. no., I'm not talking with you"

*ping* huh a message must be from that loser I PK'ed earlier.

*system notification from the messenger of God: please shut down devices to update the game. First, four to upgrade will be rewarded with bonus*

"Message from God is this some prank from the game maker, whatever I gotta quickly switch off my devic-i mean seal my divine artifacts."


*game update patch downloading*

*0% completed*

"Whew, I hope I become first or at least 3rd not 4 or less. Oh I had forgotten about my soda"

'slurrrrp... hah.....'

I gotta rest when I can, later on, I will have to make up for it with a 18X7 marathon gaming.'

I don't know when but I ended up in my bed so I just put my goddess like body under the soft comfy blanket and grabbed my pillow and fell into deep slumber.



*100% downloaded*

*game installing*

*you are fourth to update delivering bonnuuusszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-----------------------------


GodkingYukkifoxcreators' thoughts
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