
The Secret Meeting

Eight hours had passed since Burns entered the Aceron medlab. Within a small meeting room, inside a safe house Donovan owned, a small team of Jacks had assembled. It was here in this room that the best Jacks Aceron had hired were gathered. Although a conference table and several comfortable, levitating seats were placed in the center of the room, no one was sitting. At the far end of the table from the room's only door stood the Steam Jack, Michael Donovan.

The famed Steam Jack was a tall, thin African American man armored up to his neck in impressive, yet bulky Winter&Steel Enterprises power armor. The cyan, form-adhering armor was clearly a Stalwart series, offering extreme protection and at the same time displaying the Jack's accumulated wealth. Although he currently had his helmet off, revealing his gray beard and smoldering eyes, none of the Jacks in the room doubted he'd survive any surprise attack they could launch. Between his fame, equipment, and presence, the Steam Jack commanded respect.

Even as the Jacks watched Donovan, he too observed the Jacks he'd invited here. Amongst those assembled in the room, Cruel Jack Hayashi was the most eye-catching. The bare chested, muscular Japanese man's skin writhed as countless tiny, wailing faces pushed outwards from beneath his skin. The sight was disturbing enough on his chest but the way the skin shifted and churned on his face was truly revolting. If it was merely a matter of appearances, Donovan wouldn't have been so wary but he knew, all too well, as to the nature of those horrid faces on Hayashi's skin.

Still, he suspected Hayashi was feeling intimidated too. The man normally would have worn his own power armor, a custom Milestone Technologies Phantom series with enhanced stealth capabilities. Showing off his skin like this was no doubt a way of demonstrating his own strength.

Pure Jack Elizabeth Tanner stood out almost as much as Hayashi. The ivory unicorn horn that rose out of her forehead, enameled with runes of gold and platinum, was hard to ignore. A faint radiance of white light emanated outwards from the horn, traveling the length of the Pure Jack's body. Based off of the way the woman's tanned skin was turning milk white where the horn sprouted from her forehead, Donovan could tell the horn was a successful transplant rather than the result of a gene mod. Based off of her dagger ears and vertical pupils, she could be one of countless different fantasy races.

Although she was rather good looking with her long black hair and pale yellow power armor, of some type Donovan didn't recognize, he found himself even more wary of her than Hayashi. The unfamiliarity was a factor but that was just a part of it. Anyone who survived a Unicorn horn transplant would have astonishing vitality and near immunity to most toxins. Moreover, the ability to survive the transplant in the first place was unordinary. If she had had a transfusion of Unicorn blood too . . . yes, he had to be rather careful of her.

The Snake brothers, Python Jack Lucas Diego and Viper Jack Gabriel Diego were by far the most ordinary Jacks in the room. As shapeshifters, they simply wore casual clothes that wouldn't interfere with a rapid transformation. Considering their physical appearances were rather plain, it made them seem almost diminutive in such company. Still, they'd survived as Jacks for several years and were known for only taking jobs they could survive. Donovan didn't doubt they'd have at least a couple aces up each sleeve.

All in all it was an impressive team even to the Steam Jack. He may not have heard of the Pure Jack till today, may not want to work with the Cruel Jack again, or trust the snakes not to bite him, yet he still had hope. The problem was, this wasn't everyone he'd invited. There was one more Jack, who Donovan had been informed would be arriving shortly. The Erratic Jack, Kaisar Burns.

Donovan knew firsthand how dangerous an Erratic could be. He'd fought them before, lost friends in several of those dreaded battles. Now he, of his own choice, was considering not just to fight alongside one but to trust that an Erratic wouldn't kill him? It seemed ludicrous but in his heart he knew this was a gamble that he'd already made. Too much was on the line and in times like these, Donovan could no longer afford to stand alone. He was going to do this. So like it or not, he'd have to manage on the fly.

All the eyes in the room were drawn to him when Burns stepped inside. His newly-acquired Aceron power armor, an Onyx Flood series that hadn't been publicly released on the market yet, dimmed the light around him, darkening the room. The armor itself phased between a metallic, pitch black metal and flowing, oily liquid, offering exceptional range of movement without sacrificing protection. Since Burns hadn't activated the Flood's helmet they could clearly see his unrepentant smirk, brown eyes, and bright red goatee.

Although he felt the tension in the room, it only reassured him. The Erratic Jack waved cheerfully before falling into a seat and saying "Sorry for the wait folks. I'm here now so no more delays."

Donovan nodded expressionlessly before saying "Since everyone's here, let's get started. I've brought everyone here today to discuss our futures, not just for this Aceron job but as Jacks.

Although we don't know the specifics, every team of Aceron's Jacks has been assigned a mission to assault a specific location with the intent to 'stall or prevent Aceron's rivals from having any chance of competing for the alien ship.' I think everyone here knows most of these teams will fail or suffer major casualties. What most of you probably don't know is the actual scale Aceron is operating on here. The Jacks briefed earlier today at the facility we visited may have numbered 212 but I've been informed the total number of Jacks they've hired is in the tens of thousands. More importantly, the entire Aceron military has been mobilized. Word on the grapevine is that Milestone Technologies, Winter&Steel Enterprises, the Northeastern Union, and the Reunited States of America are all also moving to act. Those are just the players here in North America and the Caribbean. All the major powers in the modern world are making moves right now and I'm certain that while some of them are looking to acquire the ship, most aren't."

Elizabeth nodded and said "I'm sure we all see it. Most of the powers that are moving don't even have space flight capability and even amongst those that do, many can't launch a mission so soon. Even if the power that takes control of the ship does benefit as massively as many hope to, a lot of these powers aren't acting out of consideration of the alien ship at all. It's just a pretext. What we're really looking at is the beginning of World War III."

The Python Jack, Lucas, argued "I doubt it'll be a world war. Traveling large distances, especially between continents is still too risky right now. Rather, I think it'll be a number of smaller wars between the powers of each major landmass. In our case, I'm almost certain Aceron is looking to have their cake and eat it too. They'll send a trusted team of their own to actually study the ship even as they start trying to conquer everyone else in North America."

"And who can actually face Aceron" Burns questioned? "What territory the RSA has is too fragmented, with places like Alaska and Hawaii left vulnerable. Although they've got the will to fight, Aceron can pummel them with sheer numbers and resources. The Northeastern Union is even worse off, they may have the finances to support a war but they lack the military force to oppose Aceron. Honestly, unless all the other powers in the Americas unite against Aceron, they'll sweep through everybody eventually. With that in mind, consider this job we've accepted. If we go through with it, we'll be aiding Aceron in conquering the Americas. On the other hand, if we betray them or ditch the job, that won't be forgotten. We've all gotta make a choice here, knowing just how volatile this whole situation is."

The Steam Jack nodded and said "You're right, which is why I've called everyone here. We're all vulnerable right now. A major war may be great for business but as individuals, we'll just be grunts that can be thrown away. Aceron has allowed Jacks like us to exist because we're useful but if they can gain control of the Americas, they won't need us anymore. Our entire industry rose and thrived because there weren't any world powers since the Shifts. It was the Wild West and anyone with the strength to rule could. This war could change all that."

"So what are you proposing" Elizabeth asked "what do you think we should do?"

"I have a few different ideas but my main proposal is that everyone here forms an alliance" Donovan replied. "Regardless of how we move, the time for Jacks to stand alone has passed. Who here can say with confidence they expect to live to see next year? We're all used to risking our lives but this, this is something else entirely."

Hayashi, who had been silent till now, finally spoke "You'd work with me again? Trust me to watch your back? Ridiculous. I see the same revulsion and distrust in you today I did before. Your logic appeals to me but I've seen your emotions better you in the past. I won't place my faith in someone ruled by passion."

"I understand your concern. Our previous cooperation ended in disaster and truthfully I don't particularly wish to work with you. Sadly, I see no better option. I can't risk bringing people who aren't connected to Aceron here right now and out of those who are connected I need people with strength. Everyone here is dangerous, which is why I invited you. It's also why I prepared a way for everyone to trust one-another. I have an Elixir of Bonding."

Burns whistled in admiration and looks of shock colored many faces. Hayashi, who had begun walking towards the door, turned back. "You would go that far? Do you truly fear what is to come so much you'd resort to such a measure?"

"Yes" Donovan stated forthrightly "I want to live. I want to live as long as I can. As far as I can see, using this Elixir of Bonding with those of us here is the best of many bad options. I would rather not bind my life to anyone else here if I thought there was a superior alternative. Think about it though, what other options are there? Jacks are too cutthroat to honestly work together under normal circumstances. We lie, cheat, betray, and commit all kinds of foul deeds regularly. As individuals we're weak. Together, we're an organization. We still won't be significant to powers like Aceron but we just might ride things out if we all seriously help each other."

While everyone else pondered Donovan's speech, Hayashi stated "I won't change my ways. I am who I am. If you can accept that, I'll take the elixir."

Gabriel and Lucas who hadn't spoken to each other verbally, but had presumably conversed telepathically, also agreed. Donovan turned his attention to Elizabeth and Burns, the only two still considering.

Elizabeth spoke first, asking "Do you only have enough elixir for this many people or can you afford a few more spots?"

"I have enough for three more people although I would like to keep at least one use open for the future. Is there someone you want to include?"

"Yes, my sister Jordan. She's a technomancer specializing in equipment customization and defense systems. She may not be a Jack but she'd be a useful ally."

"That's fine with me but she'll have to wait till after everyone here has already made a decision."

At that statement Burns laughed "In other words, you don't dare let news of what you're planning slip out. Secrecy is too valuable to give up right now; it's worth killing for. If any of us tried to leave without agreeing to your plan they'd have a fight on their hands. Well, no worries here; I'm in. I've got too many enemies to pass up on a chance to gain allies who couldn't backstab me even if they wanted to."

Donovan almost imperceptibly relaxed when he heard Burns agree to take the elixir. Still, the Erratic Jack noticed it, which only further supported his belief that had he refused he'd have found himself in a life or death battle.

With everyone in agreement, Donovan pulled a handful of vials out of seemingly nowhere and handed each person in the room one. At his request, everyone gathered around the table and prepared to drink the vials at the same time. Donovan's eyes flicked from one face to another. If anyone was going to flee or fight, it'd be now.

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