

"If you are worried about the gate opening, then I can help you with that." While he was listening to Marcus understood that they fear an invasion via a gate the most, so he searched through the library and found something that can help.

A Dimensional blockade, it was called like this,, but what it did was creating a space that will 'suck in' all of the dimensional connections. It will force all of the attempts of opening dimensional gates and any other space-related means of travel to open in the designated spot around the machine that creates that space. The only downside would be that you can only open a gate from around that machine, if you try to open it anywhere else, the gate will explode, and the space vortex will open, sending everything that it sucks into somewhere.

"You have a way? But why would you help us?"

"Morgan? Right? To be honest, I don't care about this world, and no one from our world would. At least no one powerful. There is no Qi in the air here, the very source of strength in our world, and everyone in our world that has some strength wants more of it. No matter the cost. But here, in a place that has no Qi, there won't be any treasures of value for them. If Ancient clans came here, they would leave, because there is no profit in being here. This place will only slow us down in our cultivation, and that's why we want to leave as fast as possible."

"I understand. I think the council needs a minute to discuss what we learned, please don't go away to far, we will get back to you shortly."

An hour later.

"My apologies for the long wait. Marcus, Xiao Mei, after a lengthy conclusion we came to a decision. We are willing to help you build a gate back to your dimension, in exchange for the in-depth knowledge about how it works as well as a way to block any gates opening on our territory in the future. Of course only if you agree."

Looking at Xiao Mei, Marcus saw her nod, he didn't mind giving them all of this information, it would only hurt him a bit. His energy is already low, but with the leftover shop currency, it won't cost him anything.


"Great, in the name of the council I thank you for being able to work together. We are hoping that our cooperation will continue even after you two go back to your world, and we will be able to stay in contact with you two. As of for now, our world is very different than the one you are from, and until the gate is built, we would like to invite you to learn more about our world. As for the information regarding the building of the gate, Marcus I would like you to give them to Professor Johnson, he is our best scientist, if someone can build a gate to another dimension, it is him."

"One more thing, for the sake of safety I wanted to ask you to allow us to measure the extent of your power. We don't want you to accidentally cause harm to any of the citizens of the UN. I hope the two of you will understand."

"We will do it." Even before Marcus could say something, Xiao Mei agreed. Well… either way, he would say yes… but he didn't even have a chance to think about it.

"Thank you, Admiral Kong will organize everything for you two. This is it for now."

With a wave, The holograms disappeared, and the room became quiet again. Marcus sighed in relief, thankfully there will be no problems for now. But they should stay careful.

"Marcus, Xiao Mei, I will get Lieutenant Garey to show you around the ship, and later I will get Professor Johnson, and we will take you to our military base on Gaia, where he will measure your power. As for other things, we will take care of them after you are back from the military base."

"Thanks." Admiral Kong then asked a soldier to take the two to lieutenant Garey, in the meanwhile, he contacted him and explained what he has to do. With a few presses on his phone, five holograms showed again.

"Admiral Kong. Thank you for waiting."

"What are my orders?"

"For now you will do as Morgan has said, but there are still many unknowns. We decided not to question them any further, the deal we got is too good to pass on it."

"As Veronica said, the deal is too good, but there is one thing in particular that we need to find out about, and it's how Marcus knows so much. If our guess is correct, the technology in their world is not very advanced; instead they focused on developing their cultivation techniques. So how is it possible for a sixteen-year-old to know how to make a gate to another dimension?"

"Dominick, stop dragging it, we know that just tell us what idea do you have."

"Isn't it obvious? Talk to him. Things like torture may be effective sometimes, but the best way to get information is to make friends with the target, and sooner or later they will tell you everything. Or you can get him drunk, that works as well."

"That's it? Well, I can't say you are wrong. But that was anticlimactic. Either way, Admiral Kong, Organize something like this. And make sure not to get caught, we still want to finish that deal. And try keeping it a secret that they are from another dimension we don't need more trouble."

"Yes, sir."

… That's going to be troublesome. But didn't Lieutenant Garey had a daughter around their age?

Maybe it's not going to be as troublesome as he thought.

Next chapter