
Shift of Power

The blast from Elandril's powerful bow resonated through the entire palace, shaking its foundations. Panic spread like wildfire among the citizens of Eldora as they witnessed the destruction of the Throne Room.

In the bustling streets, people screamed and scattered in fear, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The once grand palace, a symbol of stability and power, now crumbled before their eyes. The magnificent architecture that had stood for centuries was reduced to rubble, and the repercussions of the explosive energy could be felt throughout Golem City.

Amid the chaotic scene, voices rose in disarray, blending into a cacophony of panic.

"What in the heavens just happened?!"

Cries of distress and confusion echoed through the streets as citizens tried to make sense of the sudden upheaval. Fearful whispers spread like wildfire.

"I saw the Throne Room collapse! Eldora is falling apart!"

"Where is the emperor? Is he safe?"

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