

"Elder Garin..." Alaric was stunned seeing the old figure kneeling outright. He had never seen such reverence from the elder before, but the doubts about their identity in his mind were getting clearer. It was a moment that transcended the ordinary, a convergence of past and present that Alaric found difficult to fully comprehend.

Lyon, on the other hand, maintained a composed yet gentle demeanor. He met Elder Garin's gaze with a quiet understanding, as if he too carried the weight of memories and unspoken stories. The moment seemed to transcend words, a silent exchange that spoke of shared experiences and a connection that spanned time itself.

"Stand," said Lyon.

Only then did Elder Garin stand, both on his feet. His head bowed with gratitude but his lips didn't smile as he looked at Lyon. His eyes were basked in tears that were held for countless years. The creases on his face were the scar of stress. 

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