
Couple Therapy! (Part I)


Kiba, disguised as Gerrell Windsor, welcomed the couple.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shine, please, have a seat."

Kiba pointed to the loveseat sofa, but Roger didn't sit there. He wanted to sit alone and not with his cheating wife, so he took one of the chairs next to the sofa. 

Rubie, on the other hand, sat down on the sofa while checking out the room. Her eyes paused on the chaise lounge, and she thought it must be used be for solo counseling and not for joint counseling.

She then brought her eyes to the counselor who appeared to be a middle-aged man, but extremely handsome. He was sitting with a pen in his hand and tapping it on the top of the large desk.

"He should be working for Kiba, right?"

She asked herself, desperately hoping for the answer to be positive. The fate of her marriage relied on him though she also knew very few marriages survived by court-ordered counseling.

"Whatever happens here is strictly confidential."

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