
I would like to be your wife

Over the next few days, Liu Yang's in-laws could not be seen anywhere in the Xiao clan or the Song Clan. It looked like they still would not leave their rooms for a long time.

During those days, Liu Yang chatted with the young women he had invited before, the conversation was private, as this would be best for both of them.

The first young woman who came to Liu Yang's room to talk was Trycia Wolf that day, she was wearing a long, thin white dress that showed off her beautiful curves, and had light makeup on her exquisite face. When Liu Yang looked at her, she remembered Xillia Wolf, for she seemed a younger, energetic version of her.

Coming back a few days ago ...

The next day after the little meeting was over, the clans and sects decided on the order they would send the members to speak to Liu Yang. And the first to go was Trycia Wolf since Liu Yang had asked her before.

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