
Zi Jiao's Challenge - Part 10

Since it was not very common to see beautiful women in the army, the men always had warm eyes when they saw a beautiful woman in the place. For whenever they excelled, an influential person took them.

Zi Jiao was introduced by the commander as the new member of the group and then asked everyone to introduce themselves, each one saying the name, the level and the class they had. When it came to Zi Jiao's turn, she just spoke about her name in a cold and indifferent voice during the presentation. This left some members of the site angry, they thought she was looking at them with disdain.

Even though Zi Jiao had not spoken, the locals used their vision techniques to see Zi Jiao's stats, they were all shocked when they saw the class, something none of them had seen before, many began to envy her for have been lucky.

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