
The Prince Waking Up The Sleeping Beauty

After Liu Yang passed all the hundred drops through the kiss, he began the next step.

His fingers began to slide over Zi Wu's body, at first this aroused Xillia Wolf's anger, but when she realized he was not taking advantage of Zi Wu, but guiding the drops to the cut locations, it reassured her a little.

The outward appearance of Zi Wu's body was normal without any kind of injury, but the inside of her body was almost completely destroyed, it was a miracle she was still alive even after a few days, but that miracle lasted two hundred years. This was something against the heavens.

Looking at her situation, Liu Yang would do his best to save her, not only because she was the younger sister who almost lost her life helping Xillia Wolf, but also the chance to get a beautiful and extremely powerful wife was tempting.

Liu Yang's fingers were dancing over Zi Wu's body, with each movement, a drop would go to the most damaged places. It took a few minutes until he had moved all the drops.

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