
Interdimensional Adventure [:Re]

Lang Qiu Yue was a designer, pretty well known in the industry for her graphic designs.

Her works ranged from posters for movies to art designs, typography and calligraphy, game designs, Illustrations and anything else she could dabble in.

She had almost never stepped outside her house for the past three years. Never buying anything that could be bought online from outside. Her resolve to conserve as much as energy as possible was a very serious one.

On that day she had finally left the house and now, lying there on the side of the road, she wondered – 'Why?'

Had she known she'd die, she wouldn't have taken a step out of her house even if there was a disaster. Dying here all alone on the roadside just left a bad aftertaste. She couldn't believe she'd gotten caught up in this orchestrated crash of two vehicles.

There she lay on the paved black tar that was slowly being embraced by the trickling red liquid and it pooled into the little crevices on the road. The bike that the other person had been riding had been upturned and was lying on her leg, crushing her knee and ankle under its weight.

Only the crackling sound of the car burning nearby and her own painfully loud breathing rang in her ears.

Having always been a person with little tolerance for pain, Lang Qiu Yue was all ready to give up and die.

Her body was bruised in so many places and all the cuts and open wounds were bleeding out profusely. Breathing had become such a laborious chore that she just wanted it to stop.

She had been waiting so long for this to end, and Qiu Yue just wanted it to end already. Too long she had been struggling to live.

But alas the universe that seemed to always hear her wishes and fulfill the exact opposite of them had worked its curse this time around too. In the distance, she could hear the faint sound of the howling of an ambulance.

Don't try to save me man!


Already she was in so much pain, she didn't even want to imagine what it would be like if they tried to save her. From her own tragic experience, she knew it'd be even more painful.

Then she heard something, something else.

Lang Qiu Yue thought this was it, perhaps she was finally losing her mind.

There were multiple faint and simultaneous beeping sounds that seemed to be coming from an electronic device, except she was sure that nothing had survived this wreckage of an accident. The other victims…

Then a synthetic voice spoke in the background, sounding very much like Siri.


"00663 Destroy Harem, Save the Male Lead System."

"Host no. #9"

"Starting Initialization Process, identifying parameters. Recording data:

Name - Qiu Yue

Human Body - Average.

Mental Strength - Extremely weak.

Hatred for Harem - Off charts."

"Host accepted on account of unique hatred."



And then the beeping abruptly stopped, just like the ragged sound of her wheezing breath.

When she opened her eyes, she had changed drastically, not metaphorically but literally.

As Lang Qiu Yue's eyes fluttered open all she could see was a white ceiling. She turned her head to the side carefully, she wasn't sure how injured she was right now. That accident was sure to have messed her up bad. But strangely there was no pain, except perhaps from the light pain that came when one hadn't moved their body for some time. Slowly and carefully as she still wasn't sure how injured she was, Qiu Yue pushed herself up and sat on what she assumed was a bed. Around her, she saw what seemed like a studio apartment. It was... surprisingly well decorated, sure it wasn't really what Qiu Yue would have chosen, but it wasn't over the top or gaudy or even underwhelming, this reflection of the owner's taste was quite acceptable.

But rather than that– why am I in this apartment. ( ・◇・)?

Qiu Yue gingerly pushed herself up and pressed her heels to the ground in an attempt to find her balance. Then she pushed herself up and walked towards what she thought was the open washroom door and froze. Even from her position, she could clearly see herself reflected in the mirror.

In the mirror was a pretty girl with big eyes and smooth skin. Qiu Yue looked like herself, but not that similar at the same time. What was weird was the scar she had got when she had been involved in a car accident back in college was gone!

How? Did two car accidents make the scar disappear…


The person in the mirror was similar to her but not completely like her. She was slightly smaller, not as tall as her original height that reached 5'8. Her skin was very pale as if it could fade away any minute. Other than her face which bore quite a lot of resemblance to her, which too wasn't actually the same since she looked like a different person.

'Host that's because you are a different person ah.'

A young girl's cute voice spoke.




Qiu Yue immediately looked, her eyes darting through the room searching around for the voice, and yet she couldn't find anyone.

'Host, do you not read system novels?'

"You're telling me you're a system?!"

Suddenly with a poof and cloud of smoke, a genie appeared!


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

A girl wearing dark colored clothes and ripped jeans with a slight gothic fashion style stood at the doorway to the bathroom.

Her hair was done up in a ponytail and it looked very different from the Qiu Yue in the mirror. While the Qiu Yue in the mirror had a fresh and spring-like look, the genie girl wore a beautifully done eye makeup with blood red lips, which made her look very seductive. Her entire person gave off a sexy aura. Her voice was a complete mismatch to this look, it was as if she was using the voice of a young girl on purpose to mess with Qiu Yue.

"Ha?! Systems don't become humans. What is this? Who are you and why are you here? If I can control my dream, why do I look like this?!"

"Stupid host ah, why don't you let me answer before you start?" she said with an amused look on her face, her lips curling into a smile, laughing at her expense.

"Who's stupid! You are stupid, your whole family is stupid, your lottery is stupid, your store is stupid!"

"My host is also stupid."


Qiu Yue squeaked slightly, feeling irritated.

"Stupid host, look ah let me introduce everything, then you may get angry."

Seeing her angry expression the -~genie~ girl in the ponytail said quickly.

"This is a harem world. You might have heard, right now you're the host for system "00663" Destroy Harem, Save The Male Lead."

"Destroy harem?"

Qiu Yue asked as she walked back to the bed, she felt the need to be seated to hear whatever her outlandish explanation was going to be.

The genie followed her and sat, crossing one leg on top of the other.

"En. You'll have missions to complete and once you complete those missions you can get points and get promoted once you clear enough worlds. With these points, you can redeem stuff at the store and you can also go back– before your death of course."

"What's the catch?"

"Catch? Little Yue, you need to stop the harem yo, you need to save the male lead. If you fail you can always try again but you'll get minus points, also it will be in another world."

Qiu Yue nodded.

"I get that, but what about the whole - "my energy will be absorbed if I finish worlds", or the "if you don't finish missions you'll die", or I don't know, what's in it for you?"

The genie looked at her thoughtfully for a few seconds.

"You know, I wasn't going to tell you, I wanted to keep you in suspense. Aren't you curious about why I can appear as a girl in front of you?"

Qiu Yue nodded again.

"Un. Before I died I was thinking of reading this novel, the summary talked about how the host had devoured the system after a long time at hard work."

"Nice! Yes, yes, you're close. Actually, I'm host no. 8, but compared to you my specs were high, so I finished my missions and finally chose to devour my sister and become a system myself. When I became one, I chose to change the original topic to this– destroy harem. I waited for a long time but no one was able to satisfy the hatred for harem levels. Somehow you almost died and while almost everything in you is useless, your hatred is super high!"

"Hey, hey, from the beginning I've been hearing this but what do you mean my specs are low! I'm amazing okay - I'm the best okay - no one can beat me! (⌐■_■)."

"Why did you choose such a system, why did you choose to be a system? What is this anyway?"

Just what was your older system?

The last part Qiu Yue didn't ask, as she felt like the genie had purposefully avoided answering that previously. She didn't want to say, Qiu Yue had no intention of asking, it didn't affect her immediate situation anyway.

"Of course, of course, I chose this system because I'm sick of harems. I HATE harems. Why can't those overpowered MCs leave us some men?! The system chose you, or well the functioning and non AI part at least. It found abnormal levels of harem hatred that matched my parameters and informed me. Despite your physical and mental strength bring very low I decided to choose you little Yue! As for where the system is from, apparently, it was sent from some distant universe where they couldn't live on their planet anymore so they sent their people into systems. These systems drifted and ended up here."

"Wtf? That's sci-fi! I didn't sign up for this!"

"Nah don't worry, I don't like sci-fi either, plus they ain't dead anyway so it's fine."

The genie waved her hand.

"What about OOC?"

[A/N: OOC is Out Of Character. She's basically asking what happens if she acts out of the personality of the original owner of her body.]

"Doesn't matter, I suffered a lot from that stuff so don't mind the OOC. Also, if you finish even half the mission you'll get points, and you won't lose any for the unfinished half."

"Where are you from?"

"Earth, but I'm pretty sure I'm a few years ahead of you."

The genie smirked.

Qiu Yue gave her a dry look. She didn't want to dignify that with a reply.

"So how many points do I need to go back?"

"Do you want to?"

The genie asked with a slight trace of contempt.

Qiu Yue shot her a look which said, 'Just tell me what you know.'

"Around 5000, each world gets you around 200-500 depending on how much you complete and the level of the world itself."

"What about the negative points?"

Qiu Yue raised one eyebrow. The genie grinned mischievously as if she was about to disclose some big secret or trick.

"Well, technically it's -100 for each world... but you know, that's if I report it, plus technically I'm the system. If I want it, you won't get any negative points. And I want to have adventures in a lot of worlds without any restrictions, so-"

"So, this is just a huge inter world romance adventure?"

Qiu Yue said her hand holding her forehead, as though she couldn't believe it.

She turned her deadpan expression towards the genie.

'Did you even need me for this?'

She didn't say it out loud but the genie seemed to understand from her expression.

"Aw come on, don't tell me you don't want to go on an adventure! Look I can't switch worlds without a host, that option isn't open, and while maybe I could have hacked the system, it's way more fun doing this with someone else!"


The genie looked at Qiu Yue with big bleary eyes.

(ノ_ _)ノ


Qiu Yue sighed.

"It's not like I'm losing anything, so, you know what? What do I have to lose - Let's do this!"

You might see this on wattpad, that's mine too.

Hope you like it.


Lol. Okay cool. Happy reading~

- Awkward Author

Edited by WolfQueen_YuNa

Qiu_Yuecreators' thoughts
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