
Morning Breeze

The day that Darryl was to leave, he stayed longer in bed than his usual routine. Xhemin was sound asleep next to him and he dared not to wake her up as he had kept her up all night, exhausting her deeply in their passionate lovemaking. Instead, he stared at her beautiful face, trying to memorize every inch of her. If only he could stay in her arms forever but there were things that needed to be done and for that he had to go.

"Morning," Xhemin whispered to him when she woke up, trying to stretch her arms as far as she could. Her body was aching, and she was sore, but the pain didn't bother her, instead it gave her a sense of satisfaction. Seeing Darryl gazing at her made her smile and she snuggled close to him. Darryl kissed her hair as a response.

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