
That Thing for Him

Dannah Samuelle had always adored Huzey and the feelings got pretty intense after Huzey saved her on that fateful masquerade party night.

Previously, the girl's adoration for him was brought by her high respect for his skilful art—because the prince's creation was certainly one of a kind. Yet now, after he had become her knight in shining armour at the ball, her adoration for him grew into something more. It's not anymore purely reverence and respect, it's something more personal now, more intimate, just like how some random seed was left covered in dust and grew unexpectedly strong in an unmannered ground.

She had watched over him closely these days, and such task came pretty easy with the fact that her boss, the youngest Montreal, was always with Huzey. And although her job was to secure the young sire's safety, it wouldn't hurt a little to spend extra effort looking after the diamond prince.

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