1 Prologue

'Long ago there was a planet created that is now called, Gainia. The one of many Gods: called Dio who was a God of creation thought it looked quite lonely so he had created life. Animals, plants, and humans: awhile after he decided that this planet needed order so he divided the land into fourths with its own individual aspects. One was a land dynamic and quite red and yellow like fire! And was dubbed the land of Summer.'

One was a land that was cold but sensitive and intuitive like water, and was named the land of Winter.

One was a land that was beautiful, stable, and brimming with life called the land of Spring. 

And finally one land was a sharp but windy land called the land of Autumn. 

Together these countries make up the-

"-Four kingdoms of Gainia. Land of Spring being Justina, Land of Winter being Moonalia, Land of Autumn being Qing, and our homeland Kerveiah being Fire. We've been over this a thousand times Baroness Kernleey!" The blond had put his palm in his face from boredom.

"Why, Prince Eric lest Castello! How unregal of you!" the dark haired boy said with fake hurt and concern.

"This is a known tradition! We mustn't forget this world's rich history. For me a potential King candidate of Kerveiah, it can never get old."

This comment made Castello twitch in anger slightly, trying not to lunge at the boy.

"Prince Castello!" Baroness Kernleey said sternly. 

"If you listened attentively like Prince Rohan did perhaps your people skills will have started to develope. Give that is pertinent for a king." 

Before Castello could say a word the Baroness cut in.

"Alright class is over, and that marks your final lesson for today I will be taking my leave your Highnesses" The Baroness briskly pulled up her dress to properly take her leave, after the door closed the blond Prince let out a deep sigh. 

Rohan couldn't help but laugh after the Baroness left. 

"Ha, after all these lessons you never really learn do you?" Castello glared and gave a grunt, he prevented brawling with him because that always got the brash Prince in trouble, in his eyes Rohan wanted him to look like the bad guy. 

"It's not just about sucking up information you have to be innovative too?" He said as if he was rubbing a non existent victory in his face.

'Prince' Donovan Rohan wasn't even initially a Prince: he is the Son of Grand Duke Rohan who was King Castello's or his father's Brother. His father granted Rohan the title of Prince since he was such a good candidate for King next to Prince Castello himself at the age of 15. It's been 4 years now. 

So Rohan is as much an annoying Cousin as he is his rival. 

He mentally sighed. Kerveiah is the only kingdom that's like this, in the other kingdoms only direct heirs are given the title prince and in Justina often it's only the first male child of the Royal family given that title. 

Eric was born the only child born from King Kranos les Castello and the late first Queen Millie les Castello, naturally he'd be the direct crowned Prince right?

Unfortunately you couldn't be more wrong; in Kerveiah terms like 'royal blood' or 'noble blood' do not exist. Kerveiah is a country of war and pride meaning the strongest and most intelligent take the throne it's not necessarily based on lineage. The Grand Duchess was an adopted noble from Qing, that's how much we don't care.

Make no mistake though there is still prejudice against your class but in Kerveiah it's not a big deal if a commoner 'earns' their why in a noble or royal family. Sometimes if a  truly extraordinary person gets recognized by the king they can be granted the title Prince or princess, they would need to marry a member of the royal family though if any ascend the throne.

There could be up to 10 candidates for the throne, and the thought makes Eric want to self-destruct. However, 4 years past and there is no new challenger to the throne the king has noticed so it's just him and Rohan competing for the throne.

"You know what story I would like to hear one more time?" Rohan looked out the window resting his knees on his chair that was leaning against his desk. 

"The origin story of the Saintess" The view he was looking out the window had shown a big pink colored flower bud outside in the royal greenhouse garden.

"The famed 99th Saintess Himiko died last year at 70 years old! To be frank it felt like she would live forever. The seed she regurgitated was growing for 18 years now. Soon it'll be 19 in a few days." Donovan said in awe.

Castello sighed, the Saintess had more power than even a King due to her awesome holy powers and protecting the kingdom with said powers. Each kingdom has a respective Saintess.

Saintesses are not like regular humans, they grow from a special seed called a holy seed given by the goddess Sirius, wife of Dio. They are called the 'child of the gods' for that very reason. Like the lands the Saintnesses are dubbed Saintess of fire, Saintess of Water, Saintess of Earth, and Saintess of Air respectively.

The time of blooming varies but it usually blooms at 15 years at the latest. After the beloved fire Saintess Himiko died late last year the people of Kerveiah have been on edge for months. In fact all the Saintess are dead and people are scared for an age of calamity, but others prophesied a new holy age. No Saintess means no protection from monsters, we are now relying on magicians to pursue these monsters in the Saintess place. The security has been beefed up quite a bit for that precious seed. 

Donovan continued "We are lucky to eventually see a live blooming of a Saintess, they are very quirky girls I heard. Saintess Himiko claimed she was from a mystical place called 'Japan', which is weird because she was born right here in Kerveiah!" 

"All Saintnesses claim they are from a mystical place, it was theorized by one of the priests that the Saintess lives in her own world in her mind for years in a suspended state instead of experiencing life the natural why to further 'fertilize' our land. They even name themselves. " Eric replied.

"I know but i'd almost believe it; the Saintesses always have white, grey, or cream yellow hair that is said to reflect all that is holy and exotic features." Donovan finally turned his head from the window.

"To think she'll be picking a royal heir soon" he said fascinated.

Not this year… he murmured 

Eric grimaced, the Saintess was responsible for picking a heir or noble titles, or any title really. As it is said in the passages the Saintess is the most fair, pure, and unbiased person in the land. If a Saintess was not present then the King would have to choose. 

He secretly prayed for the 100th Saintess not to bloom until next year: we vowed to himself to beat Rohan and take the throne by all means necessary and become the crowned Prince, a Saintess present changes quite a lot. 

It means he could have his right taken away from him, it means she could pick a deal more of candidates he'd have to fight against, it means she could ruin his progress and hard work, she could order his Prince title to be taken from him if he pissed her off.

"Hmm, well I don't know about you but my stomach is going a battle cry for supper so catch you at the dinner table" Donovan walked out the door without a care.

Eric shrugged, and followed suit the King, second Queen, and the Grand Duke and Duchess would be there talking about their progress. It's best he freshen up. 

Time passed as Eric put on casual but presentable clothes and rushed downstairs meeting Donovan. 

Despite their Rivalry Donovan still respected the rules, the first prince sits down at the table first before the other prince or princesses afterwards. 

"His highness, Prince Eric les Castello" the guards lined up right to left, the security had been beefed up with the royal family as well in the absence of Saintess Himiko. 

The table was your typical long dinner table meant to seat dozens of guests. The king was at the first with his second Wife Rei next to him on his right and his brother on left.. After Eric sat down next to the second Queen then Donovan was announced shortly afterwards.

"His highness, Donovan Rohan Prince of Kerveiah" 

Ah yes, since Donovan wasn't born an official Prince the naming style in which his now royal title was granted is different than his. The word Prince comes after his name, which brings to the attention that he prince title was adopted unlike born royals. He wanted to rub it in as it was an ego bruiser for Donovan but he didn't want to get scolded. He did smirk at Donovan's slightly embarrassed expression.

Donovan sat down in between his father and mother. 

The king clapped his hands 'Alright, my blessed servants! Bring our supper!"

The maids and butlers came out in dozens, butlers on the right and maids on the left. A wholesome serving of food arrived on the table and the servants then bow and back away. 

The King then took his golden chalice and raised it up to the nearby butler on his left. As if it were automatic the butler poured a blood red wine, and the rest at the table could just watch. No one could eat before the King unless you were the beloved Saintess of course.

A feminine whimper could be her from the Queen which transitioned into tears. 

Before the taste of the sweet crimson wine could touch his lips he diverted his attention to Queen Rei.

"What is wrong my Queen?" He said with deep concern. 

"It's just...it's just I miss her…" she tried choking out. 

"I miss mom…but she told me not to cry…" she wiped her tears.

"Mom would always start off supper with everyone drinking her famed Sake…" she whispered. 

"Ahh yes My dear, Saintess Himiko was a treasure. She will surely be missed!" The Kings words seemed to echo through the dining room. 

"All hail her holiness the 99th!" the amoured knights said with a fury thrusting their staffs to the ground making a sound akin to an earthquake.

Rei Meiryad was the Daughter of Saintess Himiko and Count Meiryad and was hailed as a beautiful flower of Kerveiah for her exotic looks. With her long dark hair and fair skin, and yes a Saintess can get pregnant like regular women but each Saintess before death regurgitates a holy seed to plant so another Saintess is born eventually. Offspring do not inherent the holy powers of a Saintess.

Rei being a female and only child the King agreed to marry Rei and Make her the Second Queen after the death of Himiko as a show of appreciation. This was after the First Queen died of poisoning from a noble traitor who was executed. 

After calming the Queen down the King took a sip from his chalice allowing others to drink as well.

Grand Duke Rohan turned his attention the Princes. "So, Prince Castello and Rohan I seen the report from your teachers this month."

The duke looked at Donovan "Prince Rohan, excellent as usual but I do think seducing the female teachers deserves it's own class don't you think? Like scandal prevention class." Castello stopped his drink and held his breath to prevent from cackling and choking on the melon nectar he was served. 

"Are you done embarrassing me, father?" Donovan said slightly displeased, he always wanted to get the better of him somehow. 

Plus, it was not his fault he was considered the kingdoms most handsome bachelor. 

"Yes dear stop embarrassing our little baby!" The Duchess cooed in a now light Qingese accent making Donovan slump in his chair. 

Eric would've enjoyed Donovan humiliation but the Duke had other plans.

"Dear Prince Eric, you are very talented but I hear you are not attending all the classes recently?" 

The statement immediately got King Castello talking, "Excuse me? He what?" 

Oh great, now he landed himself deep inside the mighty kraken. 

"Didn't I warn you boy? Just because you are born a prince doesn't mean you will stay one! Your title can be easily taken and means little as the prince can be adopted by anyone if I or a present Saintess says so! All I am hearing is that your too good for these lessons! You may be talented but that won't be enough to ascend the throne, if you don't learn soon i'll suspend your title."

"But father!" He protested

"No buts! If you still don't learn I will have no choice but to permanently terminate your title, at that point you'd have to beg the 100th Saintess to regain it." 

Eric was furious this time, his father had done more than embarrassed he had humiliated him in front of his rival, his Uncle, Aunt, and Step mother. 

He banged the table and sat up startling the Duchess and Queen. 

"Is this what you aim for?" He shouted. "To make a mockery of me?"

He moved further from the table "The 100th Saintess will not even come before the coming of age ceremony where an heir is picked! Mark my words I will become King!" Eric had stormed off to his room.

"Eric!" Rei cried in an authoritative tone.

"Leave him be he is always like this, learning with his head and body instead of his heart and soul" the King pushed back his ruby red hair as he looked at the painted portrait or the past Queen.

"What would you do Millie? Our Son has lost his way quite a bit."


'Are you conscious yet?' a female voice said in the darkness.

"Well, maybe? It's still quite dark is this a dream? Am I dead? It can't even tell if I've been in here for hours" the girl responded back.

'Good, so you are conscious' she responded back.

Her eyes shot wide open and she looked at her hands her body was glowing and naked, she was the only light in the dark abyss. 

"Oh fuck! Are you my kidnapper? Like some type of weird pervert? Where are my clothes!?" She blurted out. 

The female voice laughed back 'I said that to number 98th when I first got here!' 

She didn't know what the voice was talking about.

"98th? What do you mean? And can I at least get a clue of what's going on?"

The voice was silent for a few seconds 'You'll figure it out soon, and yes we can in generations: I am number 99th it looks like you'll be the lucky 100th!"

"What? But what does it mean?! Why am I here I was just on my way home." 

"You died in that world, I'm sure if you back track a little you'll remember.

Suddenly her sight was engulfed by a white light.

"...you can…"


"....that covers that…."

"....See you tomorrow Kiana!" 

"Likewise, boss!" 

Kiana just stepped out the door of a local Cafe she worked at for 3 years and counting.

She looked at her phone as she was walking on the road after the sign showed the walking signal.


Oh, that sound wasn't good.

It was a red jeep car was was speeding and skeeting all over the place. 

Kiana ran as fast she could but somehow the car was following her like it was on purpose.

No matter how fast she ran the car somehow got closer and closer until.


The impact jolted Kiana back up into the place of darkness.

She bit her lip "holy shit I died…" 

'Americans wordings on crisis is very vulgar' the voice commented.

"No one asked for your opinion" Kiana eyerolled.

'No need to get angry at me, I am not responsible for your death nor have I brought you here. I am simply guiding you to your birth. It is the orders of the God Dio' 

Kiana furrowed her eyebrows any comprehension she had on the situation was now lost. 

'My job is done, good luck dear 100 you will be needing it as this world is way different with huge responsibilities. They will be surprised you have awoken early i'm sure but you will have a warm welcome…' 

The voice faded away as well as the darkness, the imagery that met her eyes seemed to be that of thick hollow substance she was inside of? She touched it, it felt a lot like a flower petal and she could see the raising Sun's light through it.

'How the hell do I get out?' She thought 

'The holy knights are guarding you, by circling around the flower bud. Just imagine the bud blooming and it'll be so.' 

She said and did as the voice told, the petal started to vibrate and tremble. 



The holy knight turned their attention to the flower bud. 

"Oh my word" the head knight in awe "the flower is blooming earlier than predicted! Onus, alert the king immediately! It takes a few minutes for the Saintess to get out."

Onus bolted on his way to the west wing of the place, he was soon fast and heavy it woke up many servants living in the castle. He kept running until he was in the west wing and arrived at the bedroom of the King and Queen. There was 2 knight guarding the door of the bedroom.

"State your business" one of the royal knights said.

"The 100th Saintess…she is" he said trying to catch his breath "...she is conscious"

This had been enough to move the knights out of the way so Onus can enter.

Onus slammed the door open.

"Your Majesty!" He screeched as loud as he could wake him up. 

The King and Queen  shot out of bed at the cry of a man, but he was quite groggy.

"What? Why do you wake me at this hour holy knight?" He said sternly it had better be a good reason.

"Sire, the 100th Saintess is gaining conscious conscious." He replied 

The King and Queen looked at each other in surprise.

Immediately the King grabbed his best looking cape and the Queen put on her fanciest shawl, there was no time to dress it was imperial rule for the King and Queen to greet the Saintess as she comes out her flower cocoon. 

They feared the flower would've blossomed by now when they got to the royal greenhouse but they got there in time.

The King laid eyes of the pink flower as it trembled, it as so close to blooming.

"They not kidding, it really is blooming…" he turned to the head knight. "How much more time until the flower blooms?" 

"Around 10 minutes, the holy flowers are quite sturdy and stubborn to get the Saintess out." He replied.

The king nodded his head "Luckily the Duke and Duchess slept here tonight, get them and get Eric and Donovan" 

"Yes your Majesty" The royal knights bowed to collect the others.

Some time passed with the flower bud struggling to open and eventually the Duke and Duchess come with Donovan in hand in equal awe. One of the held Eric under his arm due to him being a heavy sleeper. 

"So, she is conscious prematurely I see" the Duke said interested. 

"I heard the Saintesses are very beautiful when they come out" Donovan said with wonder.

The king frowned at Eric and wack him with a chop in the head, squirming him out of the knights arm and out of his sleep.

"W-wha? Why I am at the greenhouse" was all the sleepy prince can say.

Donovan bend down at Eric and pointed him to the flower just to say: "Your worse nightmare realized buddy"

Eric's green eyes bulged out like he was a play toy, the sturdy bud finally pleaded to let the subject inside go and finally the petals blossomed.

"...Fucking...finally! That felt like a thousand years! 'All you had to do was imagine' she said! Like yeah but it took a billion times…."

A naked woman emerged with Skin brown like a Hazelnut, fiery red eyes, and frilly white hair that covered her behind. But no one could really understand what she was saying.

Donovan darted thinking fast and asked for the Kings cape to cover up the Saintess nudity in which he agreed and he through the cape over her body. 

"Hm? Who are you?" She looked towards him, she was less worried about being naked in front of a few people as that was least of her problems at hand.

No one could understand what she was saying. 

The King glanced at Rei "She is speaking a holy language like Himiko, do you know what she speaks my Queen?"

Rei shook her head "No, unfortunately mother only taught me the hy language 'Japanese' that's all I know."

"She speaks one of the many holy languages, I believe this is called 'English'?" The head knight shrugged. 

"Do you know what she is saying then Viscount Darwen?" The King turned to the head knight. 

He shook his head "The holy language is learned through the Saintess, the pope is a polyglot with holy languages but he is away right now. We need to get Magician Jarvia to place a translation spell on her so we can understand what she is saying and vice versa." 

"Very well" the King clapped "Bring Royal Magician Jarvia, she is needed at once!" 
