
"Greetings, Dragon King!"

A dozen purple-robed elders and a dozen East Ocean's Generals were already waiting there when Zhao Guang and the others reached the front gate.

Zhao Guo's face had already recovered from its paleness, and he walked behind Zhao Guang quietly.

The elders were surprised to see Zhao Kuo, and the generals were thrilled to see him.

"Third Lord is back! Third Lord is back!"

The soldiers cried out from above the defense wall in excitement when they saw Zhao Kuo.

They didn't dare shout out too loud since Zhao Guang and the elders were around, but Hao Ren still heard them.

Zhao Kuo passed through the gate after Zhao Guang with a stern look, and the Elders followed them in as well.

The generals bowed toward Zhao Kuo before they returned to their positions.

"Anything new these days?" Zhao Guang asked as he walked.

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